@beantownsean: sounds good, I'll probably buy a switch closer to xenoblade 2. Being able to play a new zelda was one of my reasons for a Wii U so I wasn't just gonna dump it for a switch when both versions looked so close
The Wii U version updated so I believe it's the same. Either way I actually didn't have frame rate issues but I tend to play more stealth and have only just reached zora's domain which would end in my 1st divine beast encounter.
Happy to know that it's improved where future play might've been affected though
@angrycreep: all the "big devs" does that sorta thing. Square enix games can range between 10-20 in the Google play store. Not sure about the apple store.
They need to remember that mobile games are mostly played casually even if its a port
I saw he mentioned this season when talking about the towers. I'm wondering if this is going to be a free PS plus game that eventually requires money to keep things interesting with season passes
All they really needed to do is have some small cameos where we see the TV heroes taking on enemies, like the ultron army for example. Not sure if infinity war will have an army or Thanos simply showing how overwhelming he can be but there are opportunities.
I honestly think that the problem is money for getting the movie heroes on the small screen. Only the "extras" like agent Hill, and lady Sif, Coulson and Peggy were already out/on they way out of the movies so it made sense that they'll want work but not the big names, I was surprised that they actually got Samuel to make a few scenes.
I clocked like 112 hrs or so in ffxv before moving from chapter 8, so yeah I'm the kind who sits back and tries to enjoy all the interesting stuff, end game chapters were super easy though....
Horizon is making me feel to rush, but I think its because I have nier and Zelda queued.
RJS86's comments