I like how some games that employ cheap tricks, its ok, than when others do it, it's wrong.
For instance in demon souls when an enemy is pretty well hidden and pops out and kills you or throws something at you and kills you from a distance. and you never even saw him. This is your fault and therefore its a hard game, when it's really got nothing to do with difficulty at all or skill of player. It's just an unforeseen thing..
Yet this game does something thats very traditional in 2d platformers and its a cheap 2d platformer trick.... Nothing to do with making the game harder.
@1234die @RPG_Fan_I_Am @ShinobiMedic isn't the metal storm a type of rail gun? I thought It used magnetics to launch the bullets out the barrel preventing recoil as there is no gun powder used to launch the bullets?
@streetz_86 Technically it's possible. There's just 1 minor flaw. When you die. your gone. The spawn will gain all of your memories and thoughts. it would be you. Except, your dead. kinda weird if you think about it.
I tried flappy bird and that game really sucks.... I always die in it cause you don't even have to touch the pipes to die. Then I watch this video and in the places I always die johnny lives? So that means my games broken.... No wonder I hate the living crap out of it. can't even get past a score of 10.
@Mezzeric Yea, In the article square said it's possible if you manage your time right, but they said they really wanted people to learn the mechanics of the game first and kinda play around the first run through. Then complete it the second time. But clearly I haven't played it so I really have no idea. I just read some article lol.
IDK if you'll ever read this. But I just wanted to say I read an article from square saying your not actually supposed to beat this game the first play through. They designed it like that on purpose, but that they also made it that it would be possible to do so. So you really shouldn't be that upset you didn't beat it your first try. They made the game that way. Though I really did like the review. I'm not bashing. Just wanted to let you know. Assuming you read this.
RPG_Fan_I_Am's comments