@starduke @ExtremePhobia The dwarf trips the halfling. then as the dragon stops to eat him, the mage builds a large earthwall blocking the dragon from them while he's distracted eating the halfling.
Honestly I think Johnny has a point here, I mean RPG's in the 80's and 90's were based largely on table top gaming ideas. Now each RPG slowly gets more and more dumbed down. Granted this is to "to let newer and newer people play them," or "due to the limited system capabilities" which is my favorite because if you take the graphics down a notch your system capabilities for more gameplay increases.... Anyway But my point being that we have gotten away from this table top gaming ideas and worked more towards the idea that each game has to be built of other gaming ideas. I love when I see a new game say they are doing stuff never done before, and I'm like I saw this in a RPG from 1993....
@mythical_gamer So NSA is the reason that the US has this crappy political system atm.... hmm and here I thought it was that dumb republican vs democratic issues....
@apenlul @RPG_Fan_I_Am @sanechupp Sorry, I see no wear that he says they are different. He says the PC is the best, with the PS4 matching it. But the XBone has to wait for the review.
I don't really get this.. I mean how can you rate a WWE game for bad wrestling... Theres no wrestling in WWE... I could out wrestle any of them in actual wrestling match.... I mean you watch WWE for the antics, glorified men, sexy women, and sub par humor.... It's not meant to be a westling game. If it was it would be a high school/college wrestling match. If you want that stuff you go to UFC. not WWE.
@fragsnipa how can an extra feature drop the games score..... thats like saying pizza doesn't need garlic sauce. with a side of sauce its a 9, but with no sauce its a 10!
RPG_Fan_I_Am's comments