Man I hope they do it right. I loved the open world aspect of that game. I had literally like a million options to do something. Something you only see in old games these days. Also why I'm looking forward to MGS V. From the trailers they seem to be doing it right.
@Sam_021 Well... firstly it's being made for a smaller screen. But better then consoles? Def. not. It's pretty close though. Also willing to bet the Iphone can only play this game for 3 hours or so before the battery dies. If that even..... Meaning you gotta carry your charger around to play the game.
@Scarshi apple has a 2 year warranty on phones. if you drop it they send you a new one for free. My sister has replaced like 10 iphones over the years. still hate the phone though.
RPG_Fan_I_Am's comments