I'm looking forward to far cry 2, fable 2 and fallout 3. They all look fantastic!
RUNnGUN011's forum posts
Too Human sucks so Im definately going with Mercs 2. The Stage Demo last night was AMAZING. Cant wait to use the nuke.Matt-4542After seeing the nuke and kevin's expression, mercs 2 turned into a complete buy for me!
[QUOTE="demonkid63"]im 15 btwlee7373Honestly I don't think she likes you without even seeing you, for all you know she could be a middle aged man.
ROFLing even more!
im 15 btwdemonkid63then u should be smart enough to know that she was faking and that ur humiliating urself right now.
[QUOTE="blackice1983"][QUOTE="RealKilla_789"][QUOTE="blackice1983"]how do u kill the giant troll after u mountElann2008
wat? u mount a troll? i dont remember that in the demo
after u damage the giant troll you can mount it by pressing "A" to deliver a final blow but it doesnt let me
Yeah, I was having a problem with that as well. It might be a bug. I went next to it and "A" green button pops up on the upper right hand corner of the screen but nothing happens, lol... I agree with all of you guys. Combat feels weak the majority of the time but when you nail those string-chain attacks, it feels pretty wicked. The problem with that, there's too much inconsistency. Sometimes I'm feeling almighty and powerful laying the smackdown on my foes and then the next moment, my controls is going all wacky. It sucks how they didnt include a lock on system. I found myself having to shoot aimlessly in the direction the enemy is standing and then it finally locks on. When you're fighting the troll, it just doesnt feel right without a lock-on combat system. I was firing the bullets in order to lock on and find his weak points when I should just be able to lock on and scan his body parts without having to fire away, wasting ammo. I think it's just plain dumb. And running up and meleeing it isnt going to help you since he does the AOE attack. Another thing I wanted to point out that really killed the fun with chain attacking were the stupid missiles coming at you breaking your combos. I found it annoying and unnecessary. Funny thing, the camera was the least of my worries when it bashed on pretty bad in previews. I thought the camera was pretty good, although I prefer to control the camera with the right control stick.
The right control sick for attacking, doing chain attacks is a neat idea but it should be more of an option than primary controls. I prefer being able to hack n slash with the "A" button and having the option to do string attacks with the right control stick. And I felt like the controls whether it be pressing a single button or doing string attacks, felt like it had a 0.5 second lag to everything.
The Angel of Death coming down to carry you away everytime you die is ANNOYING! It really breaks down the gameplay. I dont know about you but I want to go back into the action, right away. But unfortunately, we have to wait 20 seconds for these angel to do whatever the heck she does.
Overall, I think they tried too hard on certain things and it was overambitious when they should have kept things simple and grounded. Voice acting is pretty good but it could be better. And the graphics looks like it has been through beat up and banged up because of the incident back when Epic Games took away the rights to use the Unreal Engine and they had to build the game's graphics engine from scratch. It shows some inconsistency although it is pretty much up to par with some of the titles out now but by no means revolutionary or evolutionary. The demo was lengthy, including the long angel of death sequences, I was able to squeeze about an hour out of it with more deaths than I'd like to enjoy due to clunky controls. It's surprising to me how Silicon Knights still has all these problems with the game that was in the works for so long. Cliffy B and EPIC studios made two epic games in less than ten years while Dennis Dyack barely made one... And the fact that they're so confident in their product reaffirms me that this will be the final product once it hits store shelves. It' just too bad. I haven't even played the retail version of Too Human and I'm already thinking of how they could improve this game with Too Human 2. I'm surprised that it wasnt great, but then I shouldnt be because when games are delayed or in production for so long (10 years) it's usually not a good thing.
i was thinkin the same exact thing when i noticed the angel or valkerie person who picks u up when u die. they should give us an option to skip that.
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