Raad78's forum posts
Yo fellas: I wanna buy a PSP GO, and I need your opinion: usually when a system is launched, it is not yet perfected, and there for, the company ends up releasing other versions of it (PSP, PSP 2000, PSP 3000, PS3s, XBOXes 360s,.....). Do you think this will happen to pspgo any soon? I mean from what I've read through out the net, the reviewers usually complained about two main things that bothered me: battery lasts little when gaming, about three to four hours; and secondly you can't play it while it is recharging. We could add a third one which says that if the rechargeable batterys were at least replaceable, you could switch whenever it runs out of, and than you could leave one of them recharging while you can play it, listen to music, or whatever you wanna do. SO do you think we will see another version any time soon, like 2011? and if we do, what differences/improvements do you think it would be?
Hei man good to know there are new people buying ps3 games. Well, if I were you, I would have rented both games, for at least 4 days each. By that you would know already which one to pick. I do this for most of the games I wanna buy. And by the way, I have them both, and they are both great, but know that they are very different, some how, cause they're both FPS after all. Resistance is a very fast game, tons of shooting every where, specially the online modes. Killzone 2 is a kind of a "war sim FPS". Sure that such a thing does not exist yet, but it points more to that direction. The feeling of the game, I mean there's a lot of weight in the character's move, and in the game overall. I just loved it. As a PS3 owner I have both, because that's the best for me!! If I were you, I would rent them first, and then give sometime to think before you choose (but I think that within time you too will end up with both of them).Hello everyone i was hoping someone could give me some advice or details on which of the above titles are better???
Your opinion is extremely valued.....
Because video games should not be graded on graphics alone :|
This didn't bring anything new to table in terms of gameplay, its flaws were obvious.
You are right about that, but I am so impressed about the work on this game, I mean it came to a level of refinement never seen before. But sure, I mean there is gameplay, fun factor, online, replaybility,... . I just wanted to point something that gamers are not pointing, I just wanted to make this discussion richer. that's all.
The ps3 version deserved a 9 since its a superior version. the 360 and pc versions shouldve gotten lower imo. more like in the 7s
Actually it is the otheway around. Go to http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/face-off-resident-evil-5-article?page=1 and check out the head to head comparisson. It is a fair one. The 360 version overcame the Ps3 one in every aspect, but by a short margin. During gameplay is hard to see any diference though. At the very end of the comparisson they say that PS3 is more powerful, why then games don't look as good. Well their explanation spilts into two main reasons. One: the PS3 version started its development one year after 360's; and two: although the game was coded for each system, taking the advantages of each one, when the game started to be developed, Capcom's choice was to make extensive use of the 10MB of 'EDRAM' that is directly attached to the Xenos GPU in order to maximise its visual effects. And the RSX Cell combo works in a different way.
At the end 360 version had a year of advantage and a game developed in an architecture that suits it better than it suits PS3. It is said though because it's always the same story: o yeah PS3 is very powerfull but no one uses its advantages. And to make things worst, no first party developer was able to deliver a more astounishing looking game than RE5 yeat. So, right now, 360 has the edge, once that its RE5 version looks better than any other game so far.
Just to let it clear, I've both consoles, and I want more of the PS3, of course.
If gears and killzone are AAA, I see no reason RE5 shouldn't be there also. Gears 2 is like a 7 imo.nmaharg
I agree with you. And by the way RE 5 is the best looking game in this gen so far (spetially in 360, although I have a PS3). It might not play as gears or uncharted, but its graphics has set a new standart of quality for games. Before RE5, the graphics evolution was pretty even, among MGS4, Dead Space, Gears series and Uncharted. Now, all the developers that wanna be among the top, must aim higher than they ever did. Upcoming top notch games like God War 3, Gears 3, Uncharted 2, Resistance 3, Killzone 3, the upcoming Halo and whatever comes from Kojima, better do more than they were doing so far. By looking for videos and screens avaible of some of these titles, it is clear that they are going to be behind RE5, in terms of graphics if they don't improve by now. Even Killzone 2 stayed behind.
It is a good thing for people who want to play NG on the PS3 and don't have a 360.You seem alittle like a PS fanboy....But I could be wrong.FFXIII should be for both console,that way more people get to enjoy the game. I am sorry if I sounded like a sutpid fanboy. And sure, that the more games goes multiplataform, the better the choices for the demand, just economics rules right. I was just trying to point that this is one of the reasons why ps3 is selling lesser and lesser year after year. I am just worried abiut PS3 sales, that's all. Imagine if it were the other way around, if a few system seller games came out on ps3 first, year after year, about an year or so of difference. And in the gaming industry, nobody (but the producers) new that these games were going multiplataform, don't you think that the ps3 would sell more? And by selling more, the developers would start making more ps3 games, maybe some exclusives, just like M$ and Square Enix did. Just to make things clear, I have a 360 as well, a I like them both. Then again, I am sorry if I sounded like a fanboy, I don't like them in any system at all. Actually, they are the ones, in parts of course, to blame guilty due to PS3's performance, once that they stand up for PS3 no matter what is going on. If the demand isn't so demanding, why should the supply improve its product? I see, by myself, that although PS3 is more powerful, 360 games are a lot more beautifull, at least in most of the cases (oblivion, and burnout are exceptions though). I hope I made my point and not an enemy![QUOTE="Raad78"]
It is not good news at all. It is because of this situations that ps3 is selling lesser and lesser (besides of course, price and performance issues). I ahve a ps3 and like it, but to play a game after a year of its release in the other console is not a good deal at all. Look at the FFXIII situation: 360 owners will get to play this game at the same moment as the ps3 owners, here in West, of course. Now, if it were the other way around, I mean if it were releasesd only for the PS3, and than, an year later, it were announced to 360, it wouldn't even made a big difference in XBOX360 sales. It will probably be a very good game, once that Team Ninja heavily support the PS3, after Tomonobu Itagaki left the company, but still, it isn't something new. It is a port of an old good game with extra content. If it were like Ninja Gaiden 3, well then it would be a tottaly diferent situation. You see, porting a game is economically viable, the is ready, why not launch it on another console and increase our sales, specially in Japan where the PS3 roles over the 360, specially with a Ninja game, something of their culuture!
[QUOTE="Raad78"]Okay, but it's still good news in the regard that PS3 owners who do not own an Xbox 360 get to play the game (With extra content). So yes, it is good news.It is not good news at all. It is because of this situations that ps3 is selling lesser and lesser (besides of course, price and performance issues). I ahve a ps3 and like it, but to play a game after a year of its release in the other console is not a good deal at all. Look at the FFXIII situation: 360 owners will get to play this game at the same moment as the ps3 owners, here in West, of course. Now, if it were the other way around, I mean if it were releasesd only for the PS3, and than, an year later, it were announced to 360, it wouldn't even made a big difference in XBOX360 sales. It will probably be a very good game, once that Team Ninja heavily supports the PS3, after Tomonobu Itagaki left the company, but still, it isn't something new. It is a port of an old good game with extra content. If it were like Ninja Gaiden 3, well then it would be a tottaly diferent situation. You see, porting a game is economically viable, the game is ready, why not launch it on another console and increase our sales, specially in Japan where the PS3 roles over the 360, specially with a Ninja game, something of their culture!
Yeah, I mean sure that from what you pointed it is good news. After all it is another good game for us. I was just trying to point that this is one of the reasons why ps3 is selling lesser and lesser year after year. I am just worried abiut PS3 sales, that's all. Imagine if it were the other way around, if a few system seller games came out on ps3 first, year after year, about an year or so of difference. And in the gaming industry, nobody (but the producers) new that these games were going multiplataform, don't you think that the ps3 would sell more? And by selling more, the developers would start making more ps3 games, maybe some exclusives, just like M$ and Square Enix did. Just to make things clear, I have a 360 as well, a I like them both.
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