Who would win and Think Hard.
Shadow The Hedgehog
Kakashi Hatake
Who would win and Think Hard.
Shadow The Hedgehog
Kakashi Hatake
Who would win in a fight And think Realy Hard.
Manda is a Giant Purple snake from Naruto Who absolutely hate Kabuto Yakushi and Orochimaru.He once Demanded one hundred Human Sacrifices from Orochimaru.He is kinda of my favourite summoned Creature from Naruto next to Pakkun and Gamabunta.i would definitely not want to get on Manda's Bad side.The Species of snake I think Manda is is a Eye Lash Viper.
Here are some Pictures of Manda and a Eye Lash Viper.
Manda The Snake Lord
Real Life Manda
Last night i had a dream the i was fighting Mahad from skyland and i was a Seijin and the fight was being watched by Naruto characters and Kakashi was doing the commentary. well any way during the fight Gaara join up on myside and Diwan join in the fight with Mahad Gaar got taken out by Diwan in just one shot so i was fighting two on one and i was losing but then is saw this red box upgrade item so i went and picked it up and to my surpise gave me metal fists so i ended up winning. the end
Dark jak is one of Jak's(Jak and Daxter seris for playstation2) Alter ego which is triggered by Rage.
Dark Jak look similar to Jak in apperance but with white skin and dark eyes and jaggered teeth and Horns.
Dark Jak is My Favourite Jak and Daxter Character Because he is Bad to the bone. He will not show Anyone who gets mercy and will kill them if they get in his way of destruction. His Powers include turning invisable at will,Dark Punch, Dark blast,Dark bomb.
Here are 2 pictures of dark jak Images
comments greatly accepted
My Favourite Reptile in Australia is the Bearded Dragon ( Specie Pogona).
there are 8 species of Bearded dragon and are only found in Australia. Bearded dragons can be kept as pets if you have a wild life licence. A captive Bearded Dragon can live up to 20 years. They are very placid and rarely ever bite humans. they enjoy being held and stroked (with only two fingers you not the lizard). The reason they are called Bearded Dragons is because they look very Similar to the Mythological Creature of the Same Last Name.
Below are some Pictures of Bearded Dragons.
Any comment will be greatly accepted and if you need a question about bearded dragons just put a question as well as a comment thanks you.
Sephiroth is one of my All time Favourite Villain of all time. he has a wide varitiy of Abillaties such as Sin Harvest, Heartless angel, Dark orbs, Omni Slash and many more. He is one of the Most hardest boss on Both Kingdom Hearts Games and doesn't change his apperance between the two game like the others do. I think he is Just Misunderstood by others and they should give him a second chance becuase i would rather have him as a friend than an ememy.
if there are any other Sephiroth fans out there comments on this Blog will be Greatly appecciated
The Simpson's Movie was so funny that i fell of the cinema chair 44 time. my favourite part was When Marge Was talking to Lisa and the she saw pig tracks on the celling and said " How did the pig tracks get on the Roof?" then the camera turns to Homer who is hold the pig up on the roof and starts sing Spider-Pig ( to the tune of Spider-Man) " Spider-Pig Spider-Pig does what ever a Spider-pig can" " Can he swing form a web no he can't he's a pig look out there goes a Spider-Pig".
Anyway comments on the blog about the Simpson's movie will be very appreciated
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