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Racer_XLR Blog

I got tagged, again.

To prevent this from coming back at me, I will not be tagging anybody. I dont even know who to tag anyway. Alright, heres more facts about me:

1. I have a sister attending college right now.

2. I tend to forget unimportant things.

3. When I had a 360, it RRoD like 5 weeks after I got it. Never got another one.

4. For Vacations, I dont like to travel to the same place if I've been there before.

5. Nothing really scares me, other than my Ps3 breaking on me. (hope it dosen't)

6. I dont look to any celebrity as a hero. There just people with alot of money.

7. I've always wanted to be a Professional Sniper, but that'll never happen.

8. I used to think Bigfoot was real. All the evidence I've seen have been...so-so to me.

9. I used to play the Drums, now I play the Violin.

10. I suck at Racing games. ;)

Theres another for the day.

My next game purchase.. why didn't I go to Flordia?!

It will be Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I'm wanting a game that'll take my free time other than GS. Know that I have my job and nothing really to do during the day, other than house work and other things around the house, I will be getting this tommorrow. So, if I'm not around you'll know what I'll be doing. Not for the most part though, as my friend go himself a new ping-pong table so that'll keep us entertained. :P I hope over 400 hours of gameplay will keep me busy until, school starts back up. Then I'll have something to do other than sit around on my computer!

Seriously though, its driving me crazy... that I dont have much to do this summer. I did however have 2 options this summer:

1. Stay home, and get a job.

2. Or go to Flordia with my Mom and some of my relatives while my dad stays home.

I said no to option 2, for 3 reasons.

1. I've already been to Flordia and there purpose of going was for a Basketballl camp and Disneyland. I know sounds fun, but I've already been to Disney and I dont like to play Basketball that much, if there was a Football camp then it would've been a definite... YES!

2. My mom was worried enough about Hurrican season. I'm not scared at all because theres not much you can do if you're caught in the middle of a Hurrican. I've had the pleasure of experiencing that once in Texas and I dont want to go through that again, not saying that a hurrican will appear but you never know.

3. I went to California last year and was planning to stay home the following summer, this summer, anyways. I went there just to relax with my uncle and have fun. I didn't want to go back on my own word that I told my dad as soon as I graduated from High School. :P

But know, I'm like "What the Hell?!" Why didn't I go... I dont know mabye I just really wanted to stay home and make some money. To be honest, I dont know a reason myself on why I didn't go. But whats done is done, I cant do anything about it know, summer is almost over and school will be starting up in a couple of weeks know.

Thats my blog!

2 New sigs and a blog header! (done by RpgNecromancer) and some other stuff.

These two sigs:

First off, I was shocked enough that he did 2 let alone one, but I really like these and am very thankful for them. This requesting to people for things is really hard for me. I, for one, dont really know how long it takes to make anything, yet. Which do you like best?

Oh and this was my old sig:

Which was done by, Jack_Force. Some of you may know him. I also really like this sig.

As for the blog header that was also done by RpgNecromance:

What do you guys think? I really like it..

There is also a banner coming my way...*more guilt hits* *thinks to himself* I really need to get something and start making things myself. Not just for the fun of it either, just becasue I used to have a thing for art.

As for "other stuff" mentioned in my blog name, I will be remaking my union into a Sly union aka Sly Cooper. This will happen in a couple of weeks, depends mabye next week. Just all depends on my job and how I feel. If you like these games or have played one come and join! I need to play, Sly 2: Band of Thevies, very interesting series if I do say so myself.

Thats all I wanted to say.

Finally got my dream job!

I've wanted to work at Lowe's for a while and I finally have the chance to go there. Starting Monday, once again I will be working the night shift, but not too extreme like I had at Taco Bell. The hours I had there ( 12:00am-7:00am) were not taking effect on me like I thought it would. I predicted that I would feel tired and wanting to sleep through the entire day, well I was wrong. The late hours that I spend on GS, on alt accounts :P I guess "prepared" me for this, that and I dont usually sleep at night...weird eh?! I will have to work at least 6...mabye 7 hours there each day... Monday-Friday. I didn't have to work all week at Taco Bell, just Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. I'm very happy that I have this job, as I will be making more money here, and we all know more money = more games!! :o Nah, I wont waist it all on games...or will I? That is the question, but I can safely say that will never happen. Because as of right now I only have 5 games for my Ps3. The werid thing is my friend has a Ps3 and has more games, but no job. I guess I dont like to waist my money.... mabye because of my awesome technique on saving up! 8) Well, thats all I have to say, I think this is my longest blog yet. Eh, I dont know... :P

The Dark Knight to violent for Kids to see?!

According to this guy on yahoo it is. He describes the movie as having a Dark feel to it and is to violent for kides under 14. The same thing was said the samething on some other sites I went to. Heh, I dont care, if my 13 year old cousin wants to go look at this movie with me, when I do go, I dont see a reason not to let him go. Well, the past batman movies arn't that scary at all, so that explains why I would let him come. But I've heard some things like a part:

[spoiler] Joker puts a knife in some guys mouth and cuts him [/spoiler]

I just heard that from one of my friends who already saw it. For a second, I didn't believe him because that sounded a little too violent for a Batman movie, just from comparing them to the previous ones. Lol, makes me laugh a little just thinking about it.

I also saw from the OT forum that the lead actor of the movie, Christian Bale, I believe was arrested. Talk about even more hype for the movie. :lol: But I believe this will blow over quickly...we all know that saying right "Money talks".... yeah he wont be in jail for long. That is if he ever does go to jail.

So....is the movie too violent?!

Giant Bomb...

I finally went to take a look at the site, and it was ok not great. Expected from a new site..but unfortuntely I wont be making an account there for one reason only. The IE brower does not work that well on the site and some of the forurms load up very slowly. I just dont see the need to switch browers just because one site that I have encountered dosen't work... I'm pretty sure there are other sites does not work well with IE, but I've had IE for a long time and I dont plan on changing until I get my laptop during college.

And the whole flaming on other forums really turned me off of the site. Some topics in some forums consisted of "Awesome! this is wayyy better than GS" I might just go to OT and see how many topics that are on the subject of GiantBomb "owning" GS just because former GS staff members work there. I dont know much about them, but thats a lame reason to hate GS... in my eyes.

Well, just letting you know you wont be seeing me on that site. :P

I cant believe it...

I know that I said I would answer your remaining questions in my next blog, but I'll be sure to answer them next in my upcoming blog. I was playing through MGS4, on Big Boss Extreme ( you should expect its HARD), and for like the first time since I was 12 I believe the storyline got to me. For anyone who hasen't played or beaten MGS4 yet, I'm telling you know dont click the spoiler. [spoiler] The part where Naomi dies really got to me [/spoiler] I'm getting soft.... I need to go fight a bull or challenge Mike Tyson to a boxing match just to see if he still has it. *sarcasm* Seriously though, I haven't felt any emotions while playing a game in a LONG time.... all I can say is good job Hideo Kojima for making a game that made me feel somewhat sad. Its going to be tough trying to find a series that beats MGS for me, I still haven't finished Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater yet, I probably wont either. As I refuse to get a Ps2 to finish it.... oh well then. I might just watch some youtube vids just to catch some cutscenes that I missed.

Ask me a question...part 2.

Well, I think I'll answer your questions now: LETS GET TO IT!

Tr0787: What was the biggest surprise for you during E3? For me it was Final Fantasy. Even though I wasen't that shocked as some people were.

Tr0787: What was the biggest letdown? No letdowns for me honestly. Alot of people are saying the Wii failed to catch the eyes of the hardcore gamers and I would have to agree, but I'm not disappointed about it.

Tr0787: What games are you looking foward to? Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Fallout 3 so far. There is more but I dont feel like typing out the whole list of games I'm wanting.

julian: Do you like the GS Sushi show emblem as much as me? I dont know am I required to? :P Yeah, its alright.

RPG: How long have you liked Gan Ning? When I first played DW 3 I started to like him.

RPG: How long have you liked DW? Same answer since DW3.

RPG: How long have you been on GS? Look at my profile around my GIF pic of Gan Ning. :P

RPG: Do you like DFrostD? I dont hate him, why should I?

CQuark: Did you like the sony or microsoft better? If your talking about the conferences I liked Microsoft better, simply because they showed themselves playing a couple of demos. I liked that... especially since one of them was Fallout 3.

CVM_123: Which conference did you like more? *points up to CQuarks answer* Microsoft conference

Eucalypta: Did you ever have a crush on someone on GS? Nope, never have.

Eucalypta: How does gravity exist? I googled this and have been looking for like 20 minutes. I gave up. :P

Eucalypta: Who invented the corkscrew? With the magic of google I have found your answer!!

Eucalypta: Do you think the pigeon I dumped in the bushes had rotten away yet? Well, only one way to find out go check and see cause I think it did. :P

Eucalypta: How does light exactly work? Once again I googled this and found an answer close to it. I dont think it answers it though. :P I didn't read it all.

Are you a boob or butt guy? :lol: Heh, I'll answer this for your pleasure...:P butt for me. 8)

Rocketfox: Whats your most fav game of all time? Tough question... it would have to be Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic... I still love that game.

Rocketfox: Are you disturbed about that pigeon Eucalypta mentioned as I am? Not really. :P

HAHA I have answer all questions. I wish I had more. :lol:

Ask me a question...part 1.

Well, I've been watching E3 and I haven't made a blog in a while. Yeah, a while for me, I've seen these type of blogs done and I figure why not... Give it a go, ask me anything.. I'll answer all questions when I feel like it in my next blog.

Something very awesome is going to happen!

My dad and I went out to Office Depot (an office supplies store) and we both took a look at some laptops. I never brought it up, but my dad got to thinking and he said it would be nice if I could have my own laptop for college. Like anybody else would do, I quickly nodded in agreement. 2 Months from now, when I'm in college, I'll have my own laptop! :o I dont know if I'll put GIMP or photoshop on it. I know I've been saying I've been wanting to have either one, but I dont know how busy I'll be and I probably wont have enough time to mess around with it.... I might who knows... If I do get one of the two, I'm leaning towards GIMP... I mean all you got to do is download it. As for photoshop, I saw how much it costs and it'll be like $650.00. I can afford it, but I'm cheap and I'll just settle for GIMP.