Also watching a walkthrough of Bioshock Infinite. It looks alright and I might get it during a sale. That's good. :P Busy working I take it? As for me, I am about to go to Las Vegas! :DToph_Girl250 Sounds like fun. :) And yes, I have been busy with both school and work.
Does this fit your standard definition of trolling? Don't worry, I'll open it up again. In a little while...
That's a rather unenthusiastic congratulations. :PToph_Girl250 Instead of 'Woo', I should have put *whistle*. GS should consider a whistle emoticon. I mean, I did whistle once I finished reading the OP. Would that curb stomp my lack of enthusiasm?!
EEEEEE its RACER!! :D :D :D How you doing XLR The GREAT? :DToph_Girl250 :o :o :o Good, good. How about yourself?
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