If the HTML crap shows up I will be pissed....:evil:
I had to completely leave a thread in order to post something, after re-writing it 3(!!) frigging times. It cut off part of the word and put forbidden ; it wasn't even that smiley that will screw everything up :|
Stupid freaking bugs.Why must you GS admins (that never read this anyway) keep them?!
Anyway... It's warm outside (70 degrees F) so I'm sitting here, outside on the deck with my computer, writing this instead of schoolwork >>
:lol: I'll work on it after this is done. It was all nice outside, and then my next-door neighbor comes outside with her two little kids, and begins filling up water guns. And tells them not to squirt each other :|
That'll happen, I've also gotten my snowball from hell, since it'll freeze over when they mind. ^_^
And no, I haven't actually gone through my friend's list yet, why? Because clicking contacts and seeing all those ppl who I don't know nor have seen post are there. -__-
Not to mention it acts weird sometimes. But I'll try to go through that later...Even though it says I'm tracking ppl who don't show up in my list :? I wish it would go back to the way is was, when you deleted or denied someone, they were completely gone from your inbox/list or whatever the hell you wanna call it.
I just keep adding to this :lol:
Now the OTcars are over, and I won best n00b-mod..I don't think omni or spazz are talking to me anymore :lol: Thank you to those who voted for me :)
Damn it's windy here :evil: If a bug lands on me, it DIES...I hate bugs.
I know I've sort of disappeared from OT now, and I'm sry :(
You all complain about the Rc's I make anyway :| And then post in them so they die after a day.
I also have been teh gone from blogs too so I'll try to at least post there. I've got AIM and msn and yahoo (that one I never use) so if you wanna talk, I'm probably there.
What else can I randomly add to this? I can't think of anything, so lucky for you, this blog ends here now :)
~ Rae
Ok, so I did think of something to add, http://www.3dtotal.com/home2/gallery/images/big/2610.jpg
and this site: http://www.3dtotal.com/
It's cool ^_^ that pic is really cool and my favorite so far, just thought I'd share with you guys :)
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