Why is that sad? I personally feel the DS is the best console out there at the minute. It's comfortably got the most varied and enjoyable games library of all the new consoles.Stupid forum blinking for eating my post...
It is obvious that Chocobo's Dungeon 3 was not suited for Wii, because Chocobo's Dungeon 3+ will be a DS title.
Tis a sad day when a Handheld game gets more features than a full-fledged console game.
Raiko101's forum posts
I would have loved it if they'd expanded on the Golf and made it a seperate game. Takes me back to the basic sports titles that came out for the NES and Master System. Basic, but fun.
I'm surprised, no one spotted the problem of listing Tenchu.Devil-ItachiI'm sure most people read it and thought it were a joke lol.
[QUOTE="Hells_Hammer"][QUOTE="tgh93_29"]I only wanted to get a black Wii to match my black ds so I could keep them next to each other on my console stand. No joke i am ocd i must keep my ds on the black ps2 and n64 rack and the wii on the white 360 psone rack. I am about to get made fun of...mgs_maniac
Haha. Awesome, I'm pretty ocd about separating the brands. Only Nintendo consoles can sit next to other Nintendo consoles. Sega also has it's own shelf and Sony and MS consoles have to sit on the bottom shelves.
Anyway, I'll buy a second Wii when they release black ones. The 'mental hospital' Apple white just isn't my thing.
Whats OCD?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's when people feel the need to do certain random things. For example when David Beckham puts things onto desks or tables they have to be perfectly straight, in line with the edges of the desk/table. He also has to have an even amount of drinks in his fridge or something like that.There are far more serious forms of OCD, but they're not as common as the more basic examples I just gave.I don't know whether or not it's OCD or paranoia, but I find myself checking that all the lights are turned off in my house when I leave a room. Even though I know i've just turned a light out, i'll check about 5 times to be sure lol.
[QUOTE="Raiko101"]It's more likely to be announced as a handheld title, and I don't see that happening myself. Is it that popular? No matter how good anyone says it is, I just can't see it making a leap to the Wii.usersen
Actually should Camelot decide to make a new Golden Sun the Wii is the most likely platform. The original production team that created Golden Sun has largely left the company and the team they have in place right now all have most of their experience in creating wii titles. They even created Issac in Smash Bros Brawl on the Wii. Camelot has finished its golf game and is now working on a RPG whether that is Golden Sun or something else entirely is not known.
I am hoping it is Golden Sun though if it is I still have a couple years to wait until they finish it. I wish they they would push the game into full next gen, PS3 or 360 and really bring out everything it could be.
Didn't know that at all. The concept does sound a little more likely.
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