As of right now im playing my 360 in 1080i. I'm thinking about getting a new tv, and was wondering what the resolution's and the "i" and "p" mean also.Any help is greatly appreciated
As of right now, my 360 is on a 32 inch lcd tv, and the picture looks perfect to me. But i've been hereing about all the different resolution's, and some people are saying that 1080i looks bad. That is what my tv is on right now and i like.By the way when I try to set my 360 to 1080p the screen splits in half. can you please explain why?
Mine would have to be in Perfect Dark Zero. I clear out an entire room, and one of the soldiers landed on a table. When I walked closer, he started flying into the ceiling and then to the ground constently. This happened for about 10 minutes straight.
Dude, metallica is not the ones who don't like putting their music in games. Lars has always expressed that he has not liked to distribute his music due to the fact that he dislikes music piracy(don't know if I spelled it right). I believe that the other members of the band do not like it, but not as strongly.
I am an owner of a Xbox 360 and absolutely love it. By no means am I a 360 fanboy. For a long time i've been looking at getting a PS3. Yes, I know that the games aren't there yet, and probably won't be that way for a while, but I see potential.I'm just wanting to know what you guy's(and girl's) think that I should do.
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