RancidSumo's forum posts
I have never really played PC games before (my old PC didn't have the balls to run any) and want to get one for my new computer tomorrow. I am waiting on a reply in the "will my computer run it" thread on some games but I start this thread now since I want to get as many responses as possible tonight. I like CoD 4, CoD WaW, Halo series, GoW series, Fallout 3, the Elder Scrolls series, Civilization III and IV (I have those already). Don't like WoW, Unreal Tournament, or the new Quake game on the 360. I am thinking about the new Farcry, Crysis, and Crysis Warhead. I also saw some cool looking WWII RTS at the store that looked promising. I am open to any suggestions but am really interested in the comparison btw. Farcry 2 and the two Crysis games. I am really looking for a good single player campaign and may get into online gaming with them. Please don't recomend either CoD game since I already have them on the 360.
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