I hope everyone had a great holiday season this year. With all these new games to play, it won't be such a long and cold winter around here!
In my pre- and post-Christmas shopping, I found out that, for the most part, the PlayStation 3 is now available for impulse buyers. I've seen as few as one and as many as about 30-40 in stores here in the Atlanta area. Most have signs saying they have them, and we're not seeing the violence that hit at the console's launch. Face it; the console is still very scarce, so where is the demand for it that we saw in November?
I can possibly answer that at one retailer who will remain nameless. They had stacks of the console, in both flavors, but were still requiring customers to buy a bundle. On the day after Christmas, the requirement was 3 games and an additional controller. I tried talking them out of the bundle, and they said they were sticking to it. I said I'd wait, and sure enough as I was talking to the manager someone was processing returns ... there were three consoles being returned!
Equally interesting was a shopping trip a few days later to another retailer on the same side of town. They had a pretty obvious sign saying "Now Available;" when I asked they said that nobody was after them. The store wasn't requiring a bundle purchase, but they still had them.
The next day, I was back at the first retailer and made an interesting discovery. The bundle had changed to 2 games and a controller. Again, I tried to talk them out of it, even going so far as to offer to buy a similar number of Blu-Ray movies instead (since I could find at least 2 BD movies I'd want; I was having trouble picking out 2 PS3 launch titles). Still wouldn't budge off the bundle. I'll wait some more.
I'm sure the PlayStation 3 will do fine in the end, but it's not starting off right. No included HDTV cables, limited launch lineup ... someone needs to turn this ship around pronto!
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