Thought it's quite easy to remember, your a boy, you go older, jack of blades kill's your mum, you kill him , you can either choose to save your sister or kill her for the sword of aeons. (I picked Kill her), then you run around happy slaughtering innocent men in the Heroes Guild.
I prefer the play + charge kit as you can PlAY And Charge.
NOt to mension if you have two wireless controllers, you can put one on charge whilst using the other one, then when the other one runs out of battery ,you switch over so you'll always have a wireless controller charged.
But the expansion pack story is EXACTLY the same as Fable, the only difference is that you have more side quests (not main quests) and different armour, and the sword of aeons is'nt as powerful as it is on Fable. The Extra armour's one of them, is the strongest armour in the game (Akyrons Battle armour - or w/e how you spell). Basicly is because people were complaining that fable 1 was too short, so they just put this so they can have a BIT more time on it. You don't need to buy it providing you've played normal fable though.
Well, it's set 500 years after the last fable ended, so .. I doubt you'd have the same charecter , but who knows maybe your his great great great great great great great great great great grandson/daughter.
Most people prefer COD4 but there's two things Halo does that COD never has: Co-Op and Guests in Multiplayer matchmaking not to mention split screen for when you have a buddy over.Lance_Kalzas
I live in Uk and it came out Yestoday, It's an amazing game, and people who say it's bad are just stupid idiots who rely on what reviewers say, and only go for games in which are hyped. If they played it themselves, they probley woudl'nt say that..It's great , trust me.
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