"By now, you would figure that most developers have discovered much of the PlayStation 3's potent capability, but SCEA says that many designers haven't quite grasped the system's potential just yet.
As reported by GameZine, the team responsible for God of War III says the PS3's SPUs are "much faster than many developers think they are." Sony Santa Monica team members Jim Tilander and Vassily Filippov gave a keynote at last month's GDC entitled, "Practical SPU Programming," and the audience learned a great deal about the technical specifics surrounding Sony's machine. During the speech, they explained how the SPUs "aren't actually coprocessors but are full general purpose processors that can handle code directly lifted from the PPU." And, oh yeah, they're extremely fast. As it turns out, the studio used these very capable SPUs to "accelerate both the PlayStation 3's GPU (RSX) and the PPU." Basically, if GoWIII turns out to be as incredible as we all hope it will be, you're going to have to thank the SPUs, which clearly handle a great deal of the workload. In the end, the team asked developers to recognize the "parallel nature" of Sony's console, and not to view the SPUs as a "special case."
Speed is everything. The PS3 allows developers to do things with a console they've never been able to do before, but it takes some effort and dedication to tap into the majority of the machine's power. We say, keep pluggin' away.
Related Game(s):God of War III
4/7/2009Ben Dutkahttp://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/4902.html"
lets see how those muscles are flexed in GOWIII
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