@VesbarHR1 @almanrawx I agree, some of the features are a plus, there will be games, those are the next announcements, people are complaining just to complain.... I liked the presentation and I want to know more about it, to me it makes sense they are trying to put a lot of things together, this presentation was better you could actually see the console, does anybody remember what sony did, and hour to present a controller, boring as hell
@snova9308 its true, look at halo, master chief is back, but with this ideas about spin offs you do start to become doubtful in one point, I do wish Shepard could come back maybe for one last game and close properly the circle
@gameremag-ana @Raven_1981 I think its because of the time pressure, EA wants games sequels out in like 2 years and it seems that they also want multiplayer in everything, maybe for some type of games its enough time, ME3 needed more time to concluded everything properly, look at all the glitches and bugs, face importing mess, the game was not properly tested, and there is Bioware’s ego, they just don’t accept that they messed up with the writing..
@SteelCurtainX Sadly one of the worst parts of ME3 is of course the explanation about the reapers, when you get to play it you will see, I always thought about them as this great threat, then the ending came and combined with extended cut I was like what, that totally killed the reapers; I still can’t believe that they couldn’t write something else, when you play it I would like to hear what you think about it....
I cant be the only one that feels this way, right?????
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