@stan_boyd @Rawandouz well people play different video games for different reasons, you can play a game just for the sake of fun, I'm good with that, one of my favorite game is fifa I play it daily and it has nothing to do with story!! but the problem with this article is that the dev is trying to sound like he's talking facts, while in fact a good story is a huge part of any AAA game (that includes a story), when I'm talking about playing a game to the end I'm not talking about doing all the side quests and get all the collectables, open world games are very huge and this is the point exactly, in games like skyrim, fallout, stalker, there is a lot to do and get busy but you will always be interested in continuing the main quest which holds the main story, which will lead you the end of the game(story), in JC1&2, I enjoyed doing stunts, parachute jumps..etc, but the main quest was always uninterested for me and for that I never finished it I didn't know what happened in the ends, didn't get attached to the protagonist "Rico", but when I think about it, I know that I was not interested..
@stan_boyd @Rawandouz yes Skyrim story was not the best part of the game, nevertheless it was interesting enough to complete the game, the same applies on fallout and many other open world/sand box games (I don't like mario games) I was clear enough about that, the problem is with JC series itself, in my opinion the element of completing the game is very weak (for me at least), yes it's fun and all but it's still missing that one thing that keeps you playing to the end.
I believe AAA games must have both elements, a solid gameplay experience, and an interesting story/narrative, I liked JC2 it was fun, but I never finished it, there's something missing in JC series that always keeps me away from finishing the game, some people (including me) compare JC series with GTA as a genre, I mean yes in open world games there are too many things to do that sometimes you forget about the main mission/story, but the good point about games like GTA, Elder scrolls, fallout, that they always keep you interested in finishing the story, a point that JC series never has, I bought both games in the series but couldn't finish any, it was fun, but I'm not getting JC3 if it's gonna have the same story build up the previous two games had..
@mrboone01 it's not even a comparison, a real comparison should have a range of different graphic cards to show how graphics change from one card to another.
the game looks nice, but the style of graphics they chose for this game don't require a bloody 1000$ graphic card, I mean I was impressed with the face details in the first image but then I noticed his fingernails, you can clearly notice there are a lot of missing details, but again, it's a video game, a lot of details are missed when you're actually playing, I'm PC gamer and I'm a heavy PC user due the nature of my work, I have a high end PC, but I don't think that spending a 1000$ on one hardware could make any noticeable difference..not worth it, at least not for the time being..
I was very impressed with the emotions and face expressions in L.A Noire and that was two years ago..playing a game is something totally different than staring into a hi res still picture with a lot of details, playing a game is all about motion, there are a lot of details you would probably miss while you're actually playing..that's why it's more important to me and I would really appreciate if developers could focus on technologies similar to the one used in L.A Noire and improve it, I wouldn't mind the shiny crispy graphics later on.
@leo316r I don't know why people just ignore the fact that Xbox360 titles are as pirated as the PCs, same for PS3 but maybe at a lower rate, so please it has nothing to do with piracy anymore...
Oh come on people! we all know that throughout the years Hitman series relatively never hit high scores, however people who enjoyed the series, would probably enjoy this one..I mean when I played the early games of the series I had no clue about anything called GameSpot in the first place, I didn't know what score they got and who reviewed them, but I enjoyed them anyway..playing Hitman was always in my opinion a one of a kind experience..and that's a true value..
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