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Raykuza Blog

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy birthday to me

I still have no wii

But it's not so baaaad

Cause I got a PS3.

Am I 1? Am I 2? Am I 3? Am I 17?

STOP!!! Yaaaaaaay!!!

Time for cake!

November 26 was my birthday and I'm only writing this so late because Kirby Squeak Squad reminded me today.

Dragon vs Ninja

Well mid-August is coming aroung the corner and I might be getting a PS3. It's excellent hardware at an unforgivable price. Actually the price is quite forgivable if you're not the one paying for it. :roll: I've managed to get over it because it's coming out of my mom's pocket. Anyhow, the real issue is: What's my first game gonna be? I've done a thourough search of all the worthwhile PS3 games (which, unfortunately, can all be shown on one page) and I'm only interested in 2 of them. Lair and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. In Lair, you play as a dragon knight that fights on a dragon! Kickassery beyond belief. In Ninja Gaiden Sigma... well, you get the point. I just can't seem to decide. I don't have $120 dollars to burn so I'm not getting both. This is why I would like everyone who reads my blog (yes, all 3 of you) to input their opinion. Y'know, sort of a poll-ish votey thingy. Thanks much.

As you can see this whole thing is the theme of my new banner. I like to keep my designs very simple. Simple is nifty. Actually it's because of my extreme lack of creativity. I found some new fonts which were fun to play around with. My favorite is the Invader Zim font I used on my name. I really hate those tabs up there (Profile, Updates etc.). It really constricts what I have to work with, even though I never usually work with a lot. My ninja's legs were cut off. Very upsetting. Speaking of my now paraplegic ninja, that's actually Dr. McNinja from the hilarious webcomic, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja. Seriously, go read it. Now.

Forty-six Inches of Badness

That's right, I'm easing slowly into the next generation with my 46" widescreen HDTV. Now if only I had some form of HD media whether it be a DVD, game, or television show... I also need a digital output cable for my PS2 because right now, the quality has actually been reduced due to the sheer size of the TV. I probably wont go out of my way to get cables, however, because my mom's mentality on this whole thing is, "If we're going to do this, we're going all the way." You know what that means. She wants blu-ray. She's buying me a PS3. Possibly mid-August. I need to come up with $60 by then so I can get Ninja Gaidan Sigma with it. This is definately not how I planned to enter into the Next Gen (7 months late and with the console I bad-mouthed and pronounced dead), but it will have to do.

If you hate Fall Out Boy as much as I do (or more than I do if that's even possible)

I looked over my finances and figured that I'll be able to get a 360 Elite by the end of the summer. Then I decided not to becaue Fable 2 isn't out yet so there's no point.

So I took an early Senior Slide during my junior year, and it's costing me my weekday gaming privilages for the school year. It's going to be a painful 8 months.

What'd I Miss?

I went away last week. To Florida. More specifically, to Disney World. It was pretty fun. Although the heat and humidity caused irritation and shortened my fuse over time causing the last few days to be less than pleasant. By the end I really just wanted to go home and get back to FFXII. Which I bought with my first paycheck!!!!! Yaaaaaay! I also got Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney which is as fun as it is rare. I played that game every single minute I had to wait in line or ride a bus in Florida. I'm going to beat it in a couple days so that I can get Justice For All. Doesn't look like I'll be getting the DSL repaired anytime soon.

Since my mom refused to bring her laptop on the trip, I missed the E3 coverage. Fortunately for me, it seems as though nothing new was presented. Microsoft shows off Halo 3 again. Sony shows off MGS4 again. Nintendo shows off SSBB again. But at least they left me psyched for something: Decemeber 3rd. Maybe the reason I'm not excited about this year's E3 is because the Nex Gen hype of the last two years is gone. I will miss it dearly.

I need to make a new banner. I shall start production on one immediately.


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The good: I got a job! Now I can support my addiction. The addiction we all share. The one that isn't pot. Yeah, that one. The reason we're all here. I'm gonna be makin' pizzas at Bertucci's. I have to memorize every kind of fancy pizza by name and all its ingredients and toppings. I'd really rather sit at home and play some MMO all summer like last time, but this job opens new possibilities. When I'm not working, I could use the money to sit around and play one of them fancy subscription MMOs. An opportunity to play FFXI would be sweet. Or maybe Xbox Live (see the 'Ugly' section for more details.

The Bad: So I was kinda bored with the selection of DS games I currently own so I decided to go back a generation and start a new FFTA game. As I progressed I noticed that my DS's R button was responding less and less, and now it's completely done. Anyone who has played FFTA knows how crucial the R button is. I never thought this would happen, but my DS is broken.:cry: It'll take a few days to get it repaired. Poop.

The Ugly: Here it is. I'm not paying $600 just to play FFXIII. The 360 is the only way to go. When the PS3 lost Final Fantasy, they lost everything in my eyes. I have admitted defeat. I will buy an Xbox 360.

I WILL Catch 'em All

I went on a spending spree on Sunday and emptied out half my bank account on games and food in one day. Of course I didn't have much to begin with so that's not saying much. I bought me some Pokemon Pearl and Kingdom Hearts II (after having borrowed and beaten Kingdom Hearts). Pokemon is most excellent and still brings me glee after 7 years of faithfulness. Maybe a review. Maybe not. Kingdom Hearts II sucked up until yesterday when I FINALLY got to play as Sora again. I was all,"Oh look! I'm Roxas! I'm slow and can't jump high and my town is extremely boring!!!"


God, I hate Roxas.


I'm really looking forward to playing FFX in the future, but as for now, I needs to save me some money. I'll post my Chocobo Tales and Pearl friend codes... when I get around to not playing them. I need to find something that will allow me to put my FCs in my sig but also make them smaller so the don't take up the massive amount of siggy space. So if anyone knows how, please do tell.


And now I will sing:

When you walk away,

You don't hear me say,


Oh babyyyyyyy! Don't go!

Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feeeeel tonite!

It's haaaard to let it go!

The Final Piece of the Previous Generation

That's right! I got me a PS2. And for only fifty bucks. Screw you Gamestop! Unfortunately the purchase left me without money for games. But it's okay cause I borrowed Soul Caliber III and God of War. GoW is is pure amazing packed into a DVD, accessable only through the wonders provided by the Playstation 2. As for Soul Caliber III: It didn't entertain me as much as Soul Caliber II for the GC. I was psyched to be the black guy, but as it turns out he sucks and has a white voice actor. Even a spitty name: Zasalamel? WTF?!


The future looks bright even though God of War is dark. PS2 for evar!

Plans for the Future

So I've decided. I'm getting a PS2. I have recently become obsessed with Final Fantasy, but I can't play X-XII or Kingdom Hearts. But Final Fantasy isn't the only reason I want a PS2. Katamari and Okami are also on the list. That's probably all I'll need. I played a demo of Guitar Hero II at Gamestop and I got pretty good at easy mode. I'll consider getting that one, too.

Is it just me or is Strutter by Kiss an excellent song?

This year is going to be amazing for the DS. FFXII, FFF, FFCC, FFTA2, Zelda, Death Jr. Pokemon and Spectrobes. Yay. You know what would be interesting for DS? Chocobo Racing.

Mixed Emotions

The Good: I SOLD ME XBOX!!! HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!! I hated that thing with a passion. The unwanted Christmas gift is finally gone forever! I will now create a dialouge of the night before Christmas, the day I was told that my great aunt had gotten me an XBox. This is just a rough sort of copy of what it was really like.

Great Aunt: I got you a great gift! Guess what it is. ( I knew this "great gift" had to be a console because she was the one who got me my PSX)

Me: (excited and happy) Is it a Gamecube?!

Great Aunt: No.

Me: (less happy but still willing to settle for...) A PS2?

Great Aunt: No. Guess again.

Me: (dumbfounded at this point. What else could it be?) I give up...

Great Aunt: It's and XBox!

Me: (It hadn't even entered my mind as a possibility! fake happiness and forced thank-yous ensue)


The Bad: I was not able to get a Wii on Sunday, but at this point I have gotten over the heartbreak. There is no need to pity me any longer. But still... Warioware is amazing... :(
I also could not find Pheonix Wright numbah one. I would have looked in more than 2 places, but store credit is definitely limiting. I also couldn't afford AND/OR didn't want the games that they DID have. So I got Pokemon Rangers but only for the Manaphy Egg that I will be able to use in Pearl. Yeah, you heard me! I'm gettin PEARL!

I voted!

Who wants ice cream?!

Yeah, this is in no way related to ice cream.

I've been playing lots and lots of video games for the past few months. This is probably attributed to the recently acquired DS and its wonderfully cheap games. Yay. Not only that but Nintendo WFC is the greatest thing since sliced bread. So instead of making a new banner for evey new game (which I haven't been doing due to all the gaming) I'll just make one happy Wifi friend code banner.

I'm gettin' Pheonix Wright: Ace Attourney!

I'm gonna try for a Wii. Again. Wish me luck for Sunday.
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