Whatever game I happen to be playing when my wife goes into labor, I'll take the coolest name off it and name them that. If there is nothing good, I'll go back until I find a good one.
I was looking at the trailer for the newAlice and Wonderland set to come out soon and wondered if you guys find itat all creepy. I know Lewis Carroll wasn't of the right mind when he wrote it and isn't exactly a child friendly novel, but is this the kind of thing that kids should see? To me it seems violent and a bit to disturbing for kids that Disne is most likely aiming for.
[QUOTE="MetalGear_Ninty"]Under that logic, one could criticise a woman for giving birth to a child, for afterall, the child did not ask to be born into a world in which at least some pain is inevitable.Vandalvideo
Or maybe Mr. Child, sittin' on clouds in heaven, does ask to be born.
Wouldn't you need the mother's consent to have the child born? Why would they want to give birth to someonethatwillgrow up to bea murderer or something like that.
How can you possiblyconsentto the emotional and physical suffering without knowing exactlywhat you will experience in YOUR life? Yeah you can show me that I could break my arm or watch a family member get sick in the hospital, but if I knew that say, I would die at a young age Because I gethit by a car or have someone I know die right in front of me, there is no way I would neverconsent to that. You can't really show them what to expect without giving the people their future and that almost defeats the purpose of having a god.
This is just my take on it. Otherwise, it makes sense.
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