From that list the Redskins makes the most sense IMO. Team that could get but aint on the list could be the PatriotsColin1192That's what first jumped out at me too.
Why should Obama get a movie?skelebull3000I think its a new trend. Hollywood gets one free shot at the president and theyseem to make a bad movie about them. I think Denzel would be the best choice.
I'm no fan of Activision right now for two big reasons.The only reason I'm not boycotting is Ultimate Alliance 21. They threaten to stop producing for the PS3.2. Suing EA to stop the release of a game they CHOSE not to produce.
Isuffer fromdepression. It ain't bull.I do however think the anti-depressents are BS. I miss a few days of pillsand all I feel is more irratable than usual. They are USELESS!!
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