Mussolini. I want to see his face when I tell hm what happened after he died. Then I'd do it again! :D
I've accepted that I will never understand America's fascination with guns. I'm just glad it isn't the same in Britain._glatisant_So, what do you use in Britain to ward off robbers?
Is Buzz really that short? I thought he was about Woody's height. But that will be epic! A Pixar movie I am willing to see.
I do this everyday. It's called being selfish.my_mortal_coilWhat's wrong with spoiling yourself every once in a while? I do it sometimes. I just don't have enough money to do it more often.
Trust me, I have been here before. I am seeing a shrink and I realize that you may hate your life right now, but you are still here. If you've hit rock bottom, life can only go up. Try and take a long vacation or just avoid stressful situations.
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