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Red_Streak Blog

same ol' same ol'

Yeah, nothing very exciting is going on in my life right now.   Except History Day, which is tomorrow.  And I still don't have my good taste emblem back.  It bugs me very much.

Level 9

Hey guys, I finally managed to reach level nine. The problem is that I have very few posts, and my good taste emblem is still gone.... hmmmm. I hope Gamespot is just redesigning them. Anyways, I got one of my friends to join Gamespot! Rinoa8910, make them feel welcome.

G4- new show

Hey, being gamers, I'm pretty sure that a lot of you watch G4. So I was wondering, what do all of you think about the new Star Trek......2.0! I think it'll be kinda stupid, but at least it's a way to watch the original series.

What The Heck?!?

Hey, I lost my good taste emblem!!! Does anybody know why that could've happened? I didn't add any games with low scores, so what the heck???

hey, I'm starting a blog, who knew!

Well, I finally decided to start my own blog after looking at some of my friends'. Well, here I am, a level eight quad damage with fine taste who has also voted. Today I decided to join the Judging Gamers Union, and so far, I must say it's very interesting and cool. Of course, it helps that the leader is really nice.
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