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Tekken 5 rules...'nuff said.

Just wish I could find my original copy of Tekken 3.

The game does have it included, but it doesn't come with all the cool tekken 3 PS1 modes and characters (can't get Gon or the Doctor).

Then again, it has T3 King, my overall personal fav.


Capcom Mixes Good and Bad

Ok, I'm nearing the end of Devil May Cry 3, and while I'm not saying its best game of the year or anything, its certainly a contender of sorts, and deserves WAAAAY more praise than its getting. I know its really hard, but even I realize that its harsh, so I dropped to easy and still find it more challenging or at least on level with the rest of the games out there today. Hell, even on easy I stil find it harder than Ninja Gaiden.

Now, there are mistakes to be made in games, and here is one:

Resident Evil 4.

Crap, I can't post the link right now. There is a really good review on it towards the end of the list on that gives it a 6/10 and makes perfect sense. Dude, that game is NOTHING compared to DMC3, and its exactly what it wanted to be.

And The Pre-Judgement Verdict Is In


My wrist HURTS! Devil May Cry 3 is officially the most strenuous action game I've ever played.

Its good but I think I see reasons as to why the original or Ninja Gaiden, or even the new God of War, could top it:


That is something this game so far has little of. You bounce like a crazy monkey ball back and forth until your head nearly explodes, slashing enemies like crazy along the way. It almost comes down to button mashing, but if it did I suppose I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did in one sitting. This game is off the HOOK! Its the most explosive, crack-cocaine flavored game I've ever played, zipping you back and forth causing panic attacks at low health and all so...I dunno its an edgy feeling.

Its not much of a flaw, and it fits the obvious style...but its something I truly miss from the original. Young Dante is badass, and pretty funny, and it truly pleases me how they kept him in character continuous with his older self (note: Only the older self of DMC).

So ya...I chickened out and dropped down onto easy mode, not because it was easier (well, that is part of it), but because I figured it would still be challenging, which it is. Also- its a lot more fun. It reminded me how masochistic I must have been trying to beat Shinobi on hard, but oh well.

This game is awesome, no doubt, and so far the story kicks a lot of ass, the monsters are amazing (even the the normal baddies are a weeee bit repetitive, and don't seem to have the versatility of the original, those guys would go NUTS with crazy moves!) and the bosses rock my world.

And the cutscenes....omg I will never have to watch The Matrix trilogy again. This blows every action movie this year out of the water, its just a shame we aren't watching real people do this stuff, in that case, I'd say no one should ever attempt special effects choreography again, because this is the ultimate level of ACTION.

I'm done playing it for fingers need a rest.

I have to wait one more day!?!?

I just put down 10 bucks to guarantee I get an extra copy of DMC3 tomorrow (unfortunately I didn't pre order it in time, so this is the best I can do).

Hopefully I'll get the goddamned game.

I could have gone with God of War, but personally, this is the kinda thing I grew up on, and I love it. Even if its cheaply challenging, I MUST FACE THE FEARS!

Stand up for the Proletariat of nooby gamers!

Play hard games!

Games that Kick Ass For Tough Gamers

I alway praise Devil May Cry, but it is merely the start of the 3D action game goodness that has come out since 2002. Many other titles have risen in the ranks as cool 3D actioneers, and some of them went by a bit unnoticed. Lets touch upon a few of them, shall we?

1. Shinobi for the Ps2
I honestly can't say anything without telling you how much I love this game. Its simple, yet elegant control, artistic graphic style, amazing fighting and moving system, and compelling story, is a testament to all hardcore gamers. Essentially, its difficulty level is off the charts. Anyone who hasn't beaten the first Mario, the original Ninja Gaiden, or some other really really hard game (like Earthworm Jim....ugh!) should stay away from this game. You can not be a noob while playing this, it is simply too damn hard. But for a golden oldie SNES boy such as myself, its a re-invigorating reminder that games are satisfying to beat just for the hell of it, when challenging. Thankfully, Sega decided they'd give us a better than average story along with that too!

2. Otogi and Otogi 2 for the Xbox
I haven't played its sequel, but if its anything like the original I'll be very glad when I purchase it sometime soon. This game was once heralded as a Shinobi ripoff, but once you play the first level a bit, you'll realize the only thing in common is the dash move. Besides that, Otogi is a whole other beast, but special and even more action packed in its own ways. Instead of quickly slicing your opponents in half, you usually smack them really hard with your swords, knocking them up, down, backwards or forwards, left or right, into whatever fully destructible part of the environment is. This game is not only fun, its a graphical powerhouse. Its also up to the same challenging level as Shinobi, but less cheap (you can rarely fall instantly to your death) and with more attacks. When moving its fastest, this game looks like a cross between Inu-Yasha and Dragon Ball Z, plus some serious Kurosaw-esque classic Japanese tone. Buy this guys, you won't be dissapointed.

3. Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox...

Wait this one hasn't been overlooked at all! In fact, its picked up TOO much praise for unoriginality, lame camera system, boring bosses, and a stupid finale. Compared to the other two, its got great gameplay, but it doesn't pull the same strings. For the solo game player, I'd recommend the other two. For the guy who wants to be on the "in" crowd, go ahead, buy this. Its decent, its actually damn good too, but it just doesn't have the same brilliance as the other two games. (Note: It does though, if your idea of brilliance is giving every woman size 44 E breasts...BIZZARE).

More to come, shooters tomorrow!

Video Games ease the sufferings Ex-Girlfriends Cause- Story at 11

Well I suppose the story is right now actually.

My girlfriend of seven months decided to break up with me for reasons hard to understand, but I guess they were valid. But hey, I'm not gonna get into all that on a gamespot forum, thats for LJ and Xanga and those crappy places. This is about video games helping or hurting you when you're trying to cope with a break up. So lets list some good ones and bad ones for the average gamer:


Because if you're a sore loser when you get rocket noobed 600 times in the same round because some idiot can't learn how to correctly noob kill you with the dual smg you get pissed because you were unable to get up close and noob him with a one-hit kill shotgun blast. Then, when you finally do, someone noobs you with the sword from behind instantly killing you, because you weren't looking at your radar, cause some other ******* just noobed you with the plasma pistol and you're all like "AHHHHHH".

Then you throw your controller and it breaks.

Also Bad:
Any RPG Like Wild Arms 3

The slow pace, though filled with an interesting story, will give you plenty of time to think of that lost love, and it doesn't help when a boring, easy to kill, "set your characters on auto battle", random challenge appears on the world map, because you've been "searching" for the temple you're supposed to get into for the last hour and a half and you still can't find it, mean while the enemies are too weak to have any impact on leveling up your characters. Did I mention its the same 2 tunes for an hour and a half as well? Sure they're good, but the problem is YOU CAN'T GET OVER THE TUNES AND AHHH TRRAGG HEGEHRTTR! #$T%#$$ #$ $#$ !

Also Bad:
CounterStrike- Source or Other

I think this one is probably self explanitory. If you're really not that great at counterstrike, you're gonna get stomped with the huge amount of 1334 players in the game. And though you try last resorting to a shotty or auto sniper, you're still screwed, cause you've been playing for 2 years, and everyone else has been playing for 6! Then you get a phone call, thinking its your ex-girlfriend, going to beg to have you back and pull you out of this hell of getting smacked like a biatch. Turns out its your mom's boyfriend who wants to kill you, and you don't have that Deagle handy...

At the moment I can't really think about any "GOOD" games that could help you forget. Though I would recommend if you're good at it, Devil May Cry...but for me there is one slight problem: Though that game would make me feel better because I get to whip ass with cool moves, its also one of the games that ties me to her and in doing so I can't forget! CURSES!

Oh well, more to come later. I hope people read this, and maybe post comments.


Halo2's multiplayer is starting to feel like garbage. If I don't find some new reason to like it I think I'm gonna be sick. After all, everyone out there is an ass, and unforuntately the game is very addictive. I have no friends, so no one to play with, and well, its BORING.


Wanna die ! UGH

Tournaments and Chaos...or something

I'm bad with titles.

Anyways I have a game tournament coming up at my local GAME CRAZY (sorry, Gamespot, you just don't have a store near me) and I am going to be playing Halo2 of course. I recently just finished playing Head-2-Head on Live but unfortunately I only one probably 4/9 matches. And when I was winning really bad-ass, people dropped!


I know I'm about to get my ass kicked, there's very little luck (this isn't Collateral with the "BLIND FIRE FINALE") and one guy who works at the Hollywood video is going to be playing. He kicked my ass last time. I have had WAY more practice recently, but I dunno.

So ya, if you happen to come across my journal, please wish me luck and give me tips if you have any. A potential 30 dollars, a Halo2 collectible, a TSHIRT, a free game, and top honors are on the line. I must win. I must suceed. I must keep my cool.


More later. :twisted:

Recent Blah Stuff Blah.

Trying to make more reviews for the site.

I play too many games.

Silent Hill 3 annoyed me at the end. Such a good game but like most, NO FOLLOW THROUGH. I wish designers would work on making much better endings.

Oh well.

Resident Evil 4 was good, just not resident evil enough for me.

More to come.

I wish I had Shadow Hearts: Covenant ><

My Views on "The Big 3"

I'm sure everybody and their mother has heard about the infamous Big 3? You haven’t, huh? Well let's put it this way:

A long time ago, in a press conference far...far away....


There were 3 magical game development Studios, one was called id, because they were known for making games of demented, insane potential and terror. Another was called Valve, because they built up all their creative pressure and released it in the one game they truly ever made on their own, the One Game to Rule them all. The third of these mighty clans was known by the name of Bungie, who, with the help of Microsoft, could reach out and touch the gamers of the world through the Xbox, extending their reach, only to bounce back into seclusion to make another riveting adventure.

Each game took many years in the making. Valve's was the longest, taking a mighty 6 years to heat to the temperature needed for expulsion from their labs and into a gaseous vapor known as Steam. They would make a gigantic leap into unknown territory, fighting not only law suits from their evil Parent Corporation, but also the assaults of rogue hackers, attempting to steal the precious, candy coated coding.
Next came the mighty id, who had to cook up the terrifying ideas in their mind. They had to construct the most powerful of all engines to date, and bring forth a might wrath from within. Terror and lighting was on their side. However, intrigue and game play not.
Bungie took the least amount of desired time, though also fell into the credo vested by Valve and id of”It shall be done, when it is done." They would later attack gamers with a destructive force of universe bending BEES and the most amazing add campaign for a game to date. The men of college who rarely played would touch this game with gentle caress as well, before throwing up in the toilet from their frat parties.

Finally, the forging of the Big 3 was complete, in the same year, and not far from the same time. First to appear was id's game of great Doom, and 3 fold at that. It shimmered, it glistened and it had all the bells and whistles of the finest looking game to date. However, fate had sealed the game to mediocre-amazing reviews. For some it was a godsend. For I, the analyst, it was mere child’s play, and outdated game play. Their world consisted of degrading amounts of imagination, and while the environment was beautiful, it was hardly visible to the naked eye, and lacked the life that was the true boost to games of recent years. Lifeless and dull, this game could be forgotten after the second hour, though it picked up its boots marvelously by the end. Deserving of praise? Perhaps some, but in no way a TRUE revolution, hopefully someone, someday will put the pieces together and use this engine for the true good of humanity.

Upon disappointment faced with the Doom 3, I doubted how well the other games would fair. But surely enough, I was soon satiated with slight hope from the add campaign of the might Halo 2, Bungie’s glorious virtuoso. To defeat an alien invasion that threatened the existence of humanity and that of the universe as well, I found myself in tears the day it was released. I purchased a shiny, metallic casing, and with it a Guide of Strategy that could help me vanquish any perilous evil-doers if need be. Luckily, though unfortunately for me, there was little challenge in this duel of species, as it mostly consisted of Up-Close-and-Personal Dual Wielding fighting, which was fun, though tedious and sometimes downright boring. An emphasis on grenade combat was lost, and so were the long range, well plotted guerrilla tactics of old. Muddling through the story was a sorrowful task, and when left hanging at the end, it was truly not for the best, as I had felt I had accomplished very little over the ten hours of play, left hanging for a third chapter, and disinterested in that. Fortunately for Bungie, the game contained something miraculous that would keep the Analyst coming back for more- A game where you could challenge other players from great distances in truly epic (though sometimes annoyingly repetitive) battles of pride and honor. With sword in hand I dash upon the rock the brains of my foes, and valiantly go to obtain the flag that is so rightly ours! It disappointed to great amounts in its promising campaign, but since the forces of evil, be they Red or Blue, never sleep, neither shall I as long as I can play over the Live Net.

So two shoddy campaigns, and one multiplayer disaster, but with a gem in all this rough of monotonous and boring blandness, I find the game that could rule the year. Sequel to one of the most cherished and influential games of the late 20th millennium, Half Life 2 certainly had more than half of a whole going for it. Terror ran through the veins of the Analyst, as I feared that the campaign, the mainstay of the game, would sink down into the depths of hell with Doom 3, or float high up into the lackluster monotony that was Halo 2’s heavens (and alien space ships). The Marine had failed in his mission to deliver, and Master Chief, the hero of the global union was almost nowhere in sight, relying on Keith David for entertainment, I feared that the mightiest college graduate and PH.D of them all, one Gordon Freeman would fail me as well, crowbar in hand or not.

Love be to the gods of gaming! Gordon went on his Odyssey with little error about it! He fought a mighty war against armies of terrifyingly emotionless foes, contrasted by the loving people who gave him strength and medkits. Their faces moved with masterful levels of emotion, be it rage, fear, love, or hate. He started in his dystopian world of which all humanity fears, being enslaved and neutered from their desires and needs, and rose to the top, using crowbar, shotgun, and manipulator to strike out, burst through, and throw destruction into the wake of the enemy forces. An amazing tale from start to finish, letting the gamer feel enraptured by warm life, and amazing environments, so beautifully designed and functionally sound, surpassing those of Doom 3 and Halo 2 by the light years even the greatest Covenant fleet had traveled. Boss fight where your best resource and ultimate weapon was your mind, or rocket launcher, and pace that gave the most breathtaking of sequences the vision and drive that was needed in a world of stale gaming.

One fought the legions of hell. One fought the greatest army of alien species ever assembled. And one fought the enslaving forces of humanities most feared enemy- the unknown. One left as a sole survivor, the other’s fate abhorrently undetermined, and the finals a success, but in ways mysterious. All 3 men braved great odds, but in the end only one truly came out on top with a hoot, a holler, and a crowd of screaming gamers shouting “GAME OF THE YEAR, GAME OF THE YEAR!”

That game, my friends, was Half Life 2.

The End

So there you have it folks, a tale as long as the games, almost, and with the story told its time for me to leave. I hope you all agree in the Analyst, with his mighty know how, and his decision. Half Life 2 clearly had the most imagination and drive to succeed of the 3, and even though we had to wait longer for it than the other two, it was truly worth its mettle. The graphics might not have had all the tricks and abilities of Doom 3’s new engine, but Valve found the loophole to surpass that- ARTISTIC CREATIVITY. Halo 2 was undoubtedly the most epic, but failed to do what all good epics are made for- Give the hero a good pat on the back for succeeding where no one else could. Valve also ended on a cliffhanger with Half-Life 2, but you truly did something worthwhile and you knew what and who you were fighting for, unlike the empty cities of Halo 2. (Seriously, they could have thrown in a news cast or something about the Covenant attack, instead of always focusing on the Arbiter).

Oh, and of the 3, the only one I’ve had a TRULY itching desire to go back and play, and still don’t feel bored while doing so, is Half Life 2. Sure it doesn’t have a multiplayer of its own (we’re not counting CS Source here, fellas) but it’s the most inventive and fleshed out world of any first person shooter, possibly any world ever created. You could have fun just picking up random things and throwing them at your comrades, almost ANY random thing, for hours, and then after that, fight an army with one of your own, made up entirely of giant, ferocious bugs. What’s not to like? That’s right, nothing. And that’s why Half Life 2 wins, hands down.

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