Mhmm 2 velicirapters >.< You're building my dream build minus the sweet looking green water cooling and the epic corsair obsidian. Honestly take a look at the Corsair Obsidian it's a beast, and is the best case for cable management. It's simply amazing, it's made so you don't see any wires.
Alright here's what i think. First go to, and find the nearest one. Then go and buy the i7 from there. From what i hear they have em for $200. That's saving $80. Secondly, your hard drive links to your cpu, it's the same link. And my my third suggestion, switch to this psu . First that saves another $100 or so, it's an awseome psu and by a the most realiable( if not, one of the most) psu manufactorer's and it's modular. Now take this saved cash and in my opinion i'd spend it towards this case. It's extremely sweet.
I'd honestly wait out on the graphics card because it's almost time for the HD5000's series and after that prices will stop dropping. And heres something i'm not really sure about. I think the i5 beats the i7. That's what i heard. Not sure.
Yes i'd say you have three (good) options. 1) Build your own. ( The best option ) 2) Let UltimateGamer build you one, she's pretty good at it. 3) You can buy the computer in my signature. I'm selling it, and i'm asking for about 850 and it comes with a free hawx game.
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