I tried it and it said "Windows was unable to complete the format" . I had the settings at "Allocation Unit Size: 4096" and under "Volume Label i had nothing and i tried "D:" and they both led to that messege.
I'd wait a litlle because the 5850 which comes out the end of this month is supposed to be better then the gtx 285 and it's priced at 200$. So..I'd wait.
See that's what im scared of. Everytime people tell me it works, then comes one guy and says no. Yes windows xp was installed first, what do i do to remove it? It's not suppose to be there *cough* *cough*
Alright thanks. "Craiglisted" it and it was under the top scams, apparently the check goes through and then after that weeks later it turns out to be fake and i get caught. Fail.
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