I'm trying to sell the computer in my sig for 1000$ on craiglist, and someone replied saying "I just built that same setup that you have listed for $800 shipped on newegg, stop trying to screw people over!" What should i reply. I don't want to look like im screwing people over. Because i mean it's less then a pre-built but more then a own-built so it's in between i guess. It cost me 800$ to make.
Thanks :) And yeah i'd love to help. I've actually just put my computer in my sig up for 1000$ on craiglist and i'll see what i'll get. I doubt i'll get anything because most people nowadays goes by numbers, but we'll see. I really hope i sell it. If i do, i'll need to learn how to reformat this windows 7, and get rid of my xp, because *cough* it shouldn't be there if you know what i mean.
Lmao look at this http://cgi.ebay.com/Gaming-Computer-6-0-Dual-Core-640GB-Radeon-4200-HD-HDMI_W0QQitemZ260467918234QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDesktop_PCs?hash=item3ca519059a&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14#ht_4430wt_1165 that computer could probably be built for 200$.
Yeah but i'm doing it so i can help my dad pay off loans he has. So i'll probably charge 100-200$ over. Either way it still makes the computer alot less then buying it pre-built. I mean my computer the one i run, costs 800 to build. It costs 1,500$ at alienware so.. And they don't even use quality pieces, like mine.
I really need cash so i want to sell my computer. And i think im going to start selling computers for profit. What's the best builds to build and get maximum profit for. And wheres the best place to sell used and new computers. And one more thing. When you sell a computer, do you install the os, or do you just give them the box, and what's the best os to buy if your going to sell.
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