Hey. I was just wondering is there a way to map a key for example "-" to play the previous song in windows media player, and for "+" to play the next song in windows media player. Before you suggest KeyRemapper, i already tried that, guess it doesn't work in Windows 7. And you might ask why? You could just open it up. Well i would like to do it in-game as well. Anyways, if anyone knows of a way to do this in windows7, i'd greatly appreciate the help.
Alright thanks for all the help so far. I already game on the pc, and if i want to get a ps3, I would probably only buy a couple games, maybe only two. So now the question is, how far does the computer have to be from the tv. But most likely i'm going to resort to buying a ps3.
Hey alright i'm new to the whole blue ray topic and i wanted to ask some questions.
One: What's betterhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827129037that ( a computer blue ray drive ) or a ps3 slim ( which has been said to be better then regular blue rays).
Two: Say i where to get a plasma/lcd tv screen that would be hanged up on the wall, how would i plug in for example the ps3, since the tv would have to stand,
I don't have a 100$ lmao. The highest i'd go is 80$ for razer lycosa or g15. But i'm hoping to stay cheap. Which is why im asking Saitek Eclipse vs G11.
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