Bjork, Bilinda Butcher from My Bloody Valentine, Rachel Goswell from Slowdive, Elizabeth Fraser from The Cocteau Twins, Nico, and Lætitia Sadier from Stereolab
Whenever I hear someone's phone ring, it's always some type of "goofy" song that get's everybody's attention. Even worse, if someone has one of those ringtones, and their phone happens to ring in a meeting, or a class, or any other type of situation where you'd normally be quiet, it becomes very embarrassing for them. So why do people insist on having these types of ringtones? I always use a standard "ring", so if my phone ever rings in public, no attention will be brought to me.
Topic. And I know many people, including my self, have trouble picking one favorite of anything. So feel free to post multiple songs from multiple albums. Anyway, mine would have to be "When the Sun Hits" from Souvlaki by Slowdive. Such an amazing song.
8/10 It's not a great song at all.......but I can't say I wasn't addicted to it in the late 90's. I have a soft spot for it.
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