sounds awesome..that way when i'm done i can play it over again with my wife : ) i don't know if its gonna be like sonic 2's 1 and a half player mode but either way, im in!!
it definitely saddens me to hear this. Ryan was my favorite personality in video games. his sense of humor and his point of view on many topics was so original. he will definitely be missed. we gotta do something for him guys. some kind of tribute.
i love this news thing gamespot is doing now and guys take it easy on Jess they are probably making her talk fast so that they can keep the video size down. if not then yes she needs to slow down a bit.
the xbone is back in the conversation now . i usually get the sony system first then the microsoft one. i was gonna pass on microsoft this time but now i can at least consider them again.
If Sony didn't make this commercial then they better hire these guys, because that was a really good comercial, concept , placement and execution were execellent.
PARENTING!!!! The Cure For Crazy... seriously look at the parents not the kids encourage the parents to speak to their children and then omg pay attention to them. its their job to keep the violent media out of the hands of their children..not ours...not America's.
hey hey sony and microsoft take your time and release the consoles with out hardware issues. sony has a pretty good track record but if they try to rush ps4 out the door to beat microsoft and screw it all up its going to hurt them pretty bad. i hope they come out last again but less than a year after 720 it would be great if they came out the same month. not great for my pockets though..
@yukidaruma33 that is the first thing i said when they started blaming games instead of talking about parenting. video games are not just a small niche any more it is something that millions of people take in. so just from a numbers perspective, the odds of some one out of those millions being crazy is going to go up as games grow in popularity. but it is an activity that is a just a broader part of the spectrum of activities the crazy person might have done. but it does not define them and should not be used as scapegoat.
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