They need to direct the National Academy of Sciences to investigate why the F**k children are playing violent video games!!! somebody tell these politicians to tell these parents to raise their children because it is not the governments job and it damn sure is not the video game industries job to do so.
if the story is good and the game play is fun, i would love to get my hands on that game in a year for my console and do without some of the extra pretty rendering.
this is weird cause i have it for ps3 and my friend has it for x box and we both agree gta4 looks better on ps3. these screen shots seem a little out of focus
if the topic is graphics then theres really not much difference which is kind of sad because galaxy is on a "new " which is suppose to be more powerful. but if the topic is fun then i say galaxy is just way better anyway. you don't need top notch graphics to have a great game but the little extra eye candy doesnt hurt. when have you ever heard somebody complain that that they game was fun but..the graphics were too good?
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