@DarckArchon CCP is one of the few developers out there with original ideas, pushing the limit on games everywhere. With EVE online they created an huge sandbox game, 500k players on a single server, an entirely player run economy(they had to hire a doctorate of economics to monitor the economy). a player run galaxy. If you can build a corporation up, you can theoretically rule the whole galaxy, with its hundreds of star systems... Though it's far easier said than done. The learning curve, is not for the faint of heart... http://mmoreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/LearningCurve1.jpg
@Freedomination @warhawk-smakaho Feel free to watch the sun rise, if you never want to see another night. If you were geek you would know the world of darkness is a 20 year old tabletop rpg.
@blackace No, they don't like cutting corners, making cheap pay to win games. CCP is completely out of the box. However EVE online does have it that actual game membership is a in game tradable commodity, perhaps they'll have something like that in this game.
@Deadly_Nemesis This isn't "more" vampires, the World of Darkness is a 20 year old RPG.... honestly I feel half tempted to call all you so called "geeks" poseurs for not having heard of it before.
@bhmg @93ChevyNut @Sevenizz They specifically have said that the names Edward and Bella will be banned from the game. Besides WOD predates twilight by nearly 20 years/
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