[QUOTE="Reshun_9"][QUOTE="Dante9916"] 3:Zone of the enders. Great action game from Hideo Kojima.
Yes, nowadays I see most of the game review sites (*cough* Game$pot *cough*) give a thumb down due to its short gameplay because they can't seem to find any other better reasons to give a certain game a negative points.
There were few ridiculous reasons of "The Bad" statements that I've seen several times. One recent thing I can remember is for MGS4's "The single player ends", what does that mean?
It means they like it so much, that they dont want it to end.....but, like every other game, it does........also its the end of the saga, which really sucks ass
i wish they made a sequel to red dead revolver.....not only did it have a pretty good storyline, it was HILARIOUS
Also Medal of Honor just......disappeared. But thats ok. Cause it kinda sucked.
Also, the Evequest game Champions of Norrath for the ps2....that wasnt a bad rpg
yeah, and the person above me is right about splinter cell....it was a lot of fun, the last one i played was chaos theory, amazing game......double agent looks cool, but its not for the ps3 i think
I've never played the CoN2 though I heard it was a good game. Now the CoN 1 was fun but the game was very glitchy I'd be playing Co-op with friends online and the game would crash or just freeze completely very often.
And as for the SC: Chaos Theory, my friend got the dumbed down version for PS2 which only had 3 missions to offer in single player. That was taking it a little too far and we just had to laugh out of it after the credit rolls over at the end of third mission and felt ridiculous.
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