Is this from the same company and CEO that pushed Duke Nukem Forever so heavily to us?
Is this from the same CEO Randy Pitchford that loves to sell and market his garbage product with his "enthusiastic" personality, promising a great campaign and online mulitplayer?
What is it with Randy and his ability to take old, near-vaporware titles and try to release sub-par trash to the gaming community?
The saddest part is that Aliens: Colonial Marines had SOOO much potential, but it seems that it will NEVER catch AvP 1 and AvP 2 that I played back in the day in 1999 and 2001.
I would rather suck on a homeless man's schlong, while simultaneously taking it from behind by Rosie O'Donald with a 14 inch, spiked, unlubricated, ribbed, wooden strap-on then play video games on under-powered consoles.
So of COURSE specs should be the selling point you APES!
I would have liked it to have been done by BIOWARE, the makers of the original Star Wars KOTOR 1, but as long as something gets made I'm not complaining.
I played Star Wars KOTOR 2, and it was a buggy mess, lower graphic textures, and not as great story line.
RetroGaming1990's comments