@Bl4KD37H @RetroGaming1990 @FAIL_TR0LL @Cl0ud Don't you test my 12 steps, Bl4Kd37H.You might end up inside a coffin.LOL I jest, I jest.Or do I?
@FAIL_TR0LL @RetroGaming1990 @Cl0ud We can't really blame him for Duke Nukem Forever, he was given that turd from 3d Realms.But Aliens: Colonial Marines?Different story.He knew it was garbage, and he lied to get it sold.He outsourced it to another company, saying in his interviews it was "in-house" being developed.Just because of Borderland's "success" doesn't mean he is untouchable.
@Cl0ud @RetroGaming1990 Because he lies.Real simple really. He pushed Duke Nukem to people, and also Aliens: Colonial Marines. 'Nuff Said.
@FAIL_TR0LL I, personally, don't like liars. Especially liars that smile while they are lying to you, right in front of your face.This guy, Randy, is as hypocritical as they come.I wouldn't turn my back on this guy, not within 50 miles.
Who gives a SHIT what this lying piece-of-turd has to say?Nobody, that's who.I don't want to see his stupid face show up on my homepage, because just seeing it makes me want to kick his teeth in.How anyone will ever believe what he says, or even care for that matter, is beyond me.
I'm pretty spent actually.If tomorrow when I wake up 4000 Comments I see,I will post a video of me jizzing on my dogs face.That IS a PROMISE!Good night Gamespot!
RetroGaming1990's comments