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#1 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts

Resident Evil 1 remastered for Gamecube


unquestionably. Game scared be when i was 14, and it still sends chills down my Spine, even thinking about it 10 years later. The Silent Hill games were pretty terrifying, but i don't have much playthrough time/experience to give feedback on. Dead Space 1 is a great contentender for me as well since that's all i can remember/comment for now.


People were always bragging about how Amnesia The Dark Descent was the G.O.A.T, but i beg to differ.  The controls were very stiff on that game, you got carried away too much, felt like a drag to continue, there was tension and atmosphere, but i just never felt the urge to play anymore after 2 hours.

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#2 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts

I was too curious not to see the Isaac story finish and too addicted to all the DS features to avoid it. I look at it this way, even though I don't like most of the changes and feel it rates much lower than DS 1&2 (8/10 vs 9/10), it's still at least as good if not better than most of the games I've played in the last several months.

The way games are getting you have to grade on a curve, or in your stubborness you miss out on some titles that despite their flaws are still very worth playing.



In its own right, DS3 is actually quite a decent game. Key word here... being.... in its own right. 


It just seems to me that this franchise is basically done for unless everything becomes totally revamped in DS4. There's too many errors, faults, and dumbed-down mechanics from DS3 that classify it as a hit and run title.


Increasing my "on-edge" status can increase my scare factor at the right time. Something DS1 pulled off beautifully. The universal ammo/random jibberish being thrown at you from each corner/each angle, etc... in DS3 is a clear sign VG/EA is aiming at new players, and/or players who were overwhelmed by the first two DS games (lol, how absolutely ridiculous the original DS fans are taking a back seat to the people who did not enjoy DS1, DSe, and DS2)... Limited ammo effected my game play (on the harder difficulty) in a good way. Rationing ammo makes me on-edge.


In DS3, basically, everything is just basically candy wrapped to you straight from the get-go.  You barely even feel environmental changes around you going from Easy to Impossible. Cause everything you needed was right there, in front of your very own two eyes. You don't even need to plan your way to victory. Just pew pew pew. Laser beams with telescopic rocket launchers- supersetted with acid rounds. go go go go.

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#3 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts

[QUOTE="Goupil418"]You always gotta run somewhere then run back from where you came from and run again to the other place.Frag_Maniac

In other words, they turned it into a run 'n gun CoD Space coop game. If you're not using sprint and dodge dives, you're either playing coop, on New Game + with some better weapons and upgrades, or are on a pretty low difficulty level.

This is not what survival horror games are supposed to be. Somewhere devs have forgotten that such games need pacing and suspense to be shocking and immersive.


Because EA wanted to sell 5 million copies.

And after DS1 Visceral received many mails from cry babies that the game was too scary (well duh!) and that let them to go with the more action oriented approach. Look it up on google, DS2 was made less scary and more smoother deliberately because of complaints.

The immersion factor is here, In DS3, but the constant pointless horrendous bench grinding for a mere clusterphuck of space wasting info, +1 damage here, +1 here,  oh.. wait let's not forget the shotgun with the nuclear spoorge tip, attached with a plasma and flame thrower and 9x sniper scope with Bio Shock Electricity on the side. 

There is no class, no originality, no constant tension, no pure isolation horror, barely any nostalgia factor into it.  The game has added some surprisingly excellent elements including the space exploration, ship traveling, various and miscellenious exciting polishes and some credible/decent entertainment value, but it's just way too lackluster in certain criterias to be even considered a prime Dead Space game.

Keep in mind, the roots of the game are still intact, but we all sort of knew this was going to turn into a mess once EA got its hands on it.

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#4 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts

DS 1 & 2 - Absolutely stellar weapon progression.

Your panties were holly jolly when you found a power node. You were always amped up if you should use that power node on that "secret locked door" or if you should save it to upgrade that Chainsaw Ripper.

The upgradable selection slot was very manageable and it actually felt like you were doing something fun, exciting. It basically felt like you were in control of the game.

Step into the realms of Dead Space 3 weapon crafting- and it's filled with utter garbage. Space wasting info, don't even know if you should even bother trying to figure it out or just wait 9000+ hours till you have all the items collected in order to get your new toys.

The system itself is not very complex at all, it's just horrendously annoying and not simple/neat/clean.

Keep in mind,  I'm only 2 hours into the game, so my thoughts may change later on. 

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#5 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts

thanks for the advice so far guys. I guess my thumb is just nit picky/ i have a tendency to move the analog stick more than most people. So those 4 dots might be causing some friction and making my thumb slightly warm and redish.

Someone linked me some kind of grip on amazon that i could buy. But that one was $10, and i rather spend a little less than that. But i did find one for $5

here is the link

is anyone familiar with the Grip It covers? Those seem to be nice and soft and add some precision.

I can either spend the 5 bucks and buy those Grip It Analog sticks or keep playing, keep getting a warmish/swolen left thumb and hope that those 4 dots fade away?

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#6 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts

Wel.. I just spent $32 on a new product.. and now I'm going to have to sell it on e-bay and go for a used one? I don't really like getting used products(especially controllers)

The PS3/Logitech Rumblepad 2 analog is so nice and smooth. I can put my whole thumb in there for days without discomfort. I am really trying to like the 360 controller, but this small problem is ruining it for me. Is there any analog grips or something that i can put over it or something?

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#7 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts

they're not exactly sharp, but i can definitely feel them as i circle my finger around those 4 dots in a soft circular motion.

My thumb(left thumb only) just gets warm and slightly swollen with a tiny blister. Is this normal? Is there anything i can do to get rid of those 4 dots? they are driving me insane

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#8 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts

Hi G.S

I have been using a Logitech RumblePad 2 for 3 years and after being worn out, I decided to buy the 360 controller for Windows.

I really like the controller, but playing Assasin Creed for 45 min, I got a blister on my left thumb(which i never had on the Rumblepad 2)

Why did Microsoft have to put those tiny 4 slightly sharp tiny dots in where the analog sticks are? Is this normal, don't people find discomfort in their left thumbs because of this? Or am i going to have to give it more time and get use to it?

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#9 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts
[QUOTE="gigatrainer"][QUOTE="RevD_Crack"]EA is such a joke. If patch doesn't come out within a month, I'll personally take this game to my nearest garage and set the whole disc on fire.

Whats wrong with setting it on fire in your backyard?

Because my fence is only 14 by 20. So I won't be able to play fire frisbee kamehameha. And throwing a burning disc at your landlord's window is generally a bad idea.
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#10 RevD_Crack
Member since 2010 • 42 Posts
EA is such a joke. I have been highly amped up for this game since the trailers were out around September, and I have been a huge fan of the Hot Pursuit series. Now i have to deal with this lazy unacceptable port since I won't be able to get a new pc rig till summer since I already spend quite some money on some audio equipment. This is such a joke. If patch doesn't come out within a month, I'll personally take this game to my nearest garage and set the whole disc on fire.
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