Ok, let me explain. This website I use to make websites IS FREE. I use for all of my website needs. The only unwanted ads is at the top like most websites, NO _______ POP-UPS. I've been doing this program for 1-2 years now, I think its safe, sure it gives you like 1-2 e-mails per month, but its fine, if you don't trust me, go to http://www.freewebs.com/ultimatespyrosite/ That's the website in progress, it may be empty, but if we fill it up, it can be a _______ awesome website. I'll tell you all about editing if this is approved.
kk, I guess I'll start up the website today, if you have any info, pics, or vids, send them to polorapman@gmail.com and I'll put them on the website. But also if we want a IM chatroom, you will need at least one account (You can just skip making a website). But if ya'll want, I could make a forum with website updates.
its called freewebs.com and I tried it and its no scam, but you can only have up to 3 websites per e-mail. And no program is needed to make the site, they provide you the tools.
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