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Whammy Factor.

So me and my friends are making a online show called The Whammy Factor. Our friend has the domain name for the website, and we've shot plenty of videos so far.

It's gonna be pretty hilarious. These are the videos that I know of and was there for.

1. Star Wars lightsaber battle in front of Starbucks (I was forced pushed into a wall and feel on the table in front of me).

2. We stole a sign form the Little Ceasers sign twirler. (I was in the car in which we were filming it).

3. We stole a chair from a different sign twirler. (Same as number two).

4. We ran through our schools ASB meeting in the park. While only wearing masks and boxers. (I was one of the two who was running through it. The ASB members tackled me and ripped off my mask. Going back to school might suck.)
Oh, we stuck a sock filled with more socks in my boxers to make is look like I had a ridiculously long schlong.

Christmas Eve... and I'm level 18.

I'm going back home today. I'm pretty happy. Although it sucks leaving my cousins house, they're really fun to hang out with. Last night I watched the Good Shepard, it wasn't bad. Although, I did get lost in the beggining a bit.

Gamewise I played MGSPO last night. I just recruited Python on my team. Stamina killing bosses is a pain, but well worth the trouble. And I was going the buy Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, but Circuit City had none in stock.

Meh, Resistance: Fall of Man, Metal Gear Solid: Portable OPs, Shadow of the Colossus, and the rest of the MGS series will hold me off until Feburary, where some quality titles will arrive.

What I've played as of late.

So I got Metal Gear Solid: Portable OPs the other day. It's pretty awesome. I haven't played theĀ s**t out of it because I'm at my cousins and I picked up on my guitar again. So that's cool. Oh, and last night I got to try out Gears of War. BAD ASS! It was awesome, the cover system on it owns. I'm thinking about getting a 360 for it. I'll wait 'till I hear a price drop for it. So other than that nothing new. I won't be playing my PS3 'till I get back home though... Sadness.

Yes... Great Sucess!

Well, I got it. PS3. It's been awesome so far. I don't have any games though. I'll be getting Resistance this Thursday. I'll have some video's up later. Or at least Pics. But I've downloaded the Motorstorm demo and that's been keeping me busy, so yeah, awesomeness! Just signed on Playstation Online. My names Rinaldus91. Look me up!


Story of how I missed getting my PS3

Ok, at the Best Buy I camped out at (Started Camping Nov. 16th 10:00AM) they had a list. There were 28 PS3's and I was number 30 on the list... Sucks right. I decided to wait it out hoping to get one in case someone gave up and left. As the launch drew near I figured I wasn't going to get one. I was ok with it, at least I tired. Well, after a while the General Manager came out and said "There is a truck with 4 PS3's on the road, we just don't know when it'll be here."

That's when I made my knew plan, I heard that Costco was having a raffle around Nine in the morning. So I decided I'd go there, then hurry back to Best Buy if I didn't get one. Turns out the rumor of a raffle at Costco was completely false. So then I told my dad to pick me up and drop me off back at Best Buy. He said I should give up, and theres no chance I'll get one, and he refused to take me back. So at home I waited, for my sister to wake up.

At around 11:30 she did. We quickly got into the car and got back to Best Buy. We talked to the lady at the Register, she said, "The last one just sold at eleven, you just missed it...." So if I just stayed there, or my dad took me back, I would of surely got one. After that I proceded to yell and curse in the parking lot. Followed by crying in the car.... I'm a hardcore gamer like that.

4 more days!

Wow, the Playstation 3 is mighty close. And I am mighty excited. I'll be playing Resistance from day one, so I'll see you guys in 40 player death matches.

Anyways though, I'm pretty bored. And kinda tired. Thats probably why my grammar is crappy right now. I guess I'll play some Dark Cloud 2 until I'm tired.

Damn, this week is gonna be pretty damn long. Probably the longest I'll have to go through, but come this Friday, I just may have a PS3 in my hands.

Well, I'm out.

My view on the whole system wars...

It's crap, complete and utter crap. I used to think poorly of the Xbox 360. But after seeing Gears of War, all three of these systems have their highs and lows. I don't want to hear any crap about which system is better than which.

-The PS3 has an array of abilities that are good (Blu-ray, tilt controller, etc.)
-The Xbox 360 has it's amzing franchises (GoW, Halo)
-The Wii has awesome innovation (Motion sensor controller)

All these systems are great in their own way. And I'll do my best to get all three. These next 5-6 years will be very fun

12 more days!!!

Wow, so close until its out. I have the money, I'veĀ  made the plan to camp-out with friends, now I just have to wait. I've been playing some of my older games lately. Stuff like FFX, and Armored Core 2.

Aside from my insane anxiousness, I;ve actually started working out, I've always been pretty scrawny and weak, so I've started working out. It's been about 6 days since I started, and I've seen some progress. So that's pretty cool.

But back to the PS3. I've made a list of what I'll be buying Nov. 17th.

1.) Playstation 3 + Extra Warranty
2.) Resistance: Fall of Man
3.) Memory Card adaptor

Can't wait, just 12 more days for the PS3!

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