I'd recommend Singularity. Should be pretty cheap by now.
Rhino53's forum posts
I think this pretty much sums it up
I'd start at either Red Dead Redemption or Assassin's Creed: Brohood
Idk what plot holes everybody is talking about. The only one I can think of is the Griffin one
I agree. Not so much plot holes besides Griffin, but just so much more could have been elaborated on, or drawn out. Where was Prescott? How did the Locust find Azura? Why the hell didn't Adam Fenix say ANYTHING about the impending Locust invasion? Did noone know about the Locust before they invaded?(That's a big ass army to hide underground.) Where did Baird and Cole findtheNavy?Jace?Sam? Where the heck did they come from? I know the game isn't about story and more about stomping skulls and chainsawing torsos, but they could have thrown youa bone or two more.
Like in Gears 2 where you find out Dom has a wife who'd been missing. How did she go missing? How did she get captured? I felt for the guy, but not nearly as much asI should have because I didn't know enough about their relationship or the circumstances leading up to her disappearance/reappearance.
Have you read the novels? (They're awesome, btw) They pretty much explain about the Navy, Sam, Dom's relationship with Maria, and Prescott. Not so much Jace, tho.
I do agree on elaborating on some of the plot, the campaign should have been longer but without sacrificing the pacing
Idk what plot holes everybody is talking about. The only one I can think of is the Griffin one
If you want some backstory on Sam and Prescott, you'll find some in the novels
I don't even know why they gave Griffin a name being that we only saw him for one cut scene. He was probably the weakest character in the campaign.
And yeah, I think there will be some sort of spin-off, similar to Halo ODST.
It's better than the multiplayer reveal trailer, because it actually shows some gameplay
[QUOTE="Just-Breathe"]Yeah man, 15 is a great deal. You'll have hours of fun with that game.k2theswissno more then the clock ticks in it...
You can always replay the campaign
Honestly, there's probably a full 30 seconds of sexual content in both AC2 and AC: Brotherhood
So, I wouldn't really worry getting caught lolz
There is way less trash talking than last gen going on. Do you still talk trash? did you used to? whats going on are you guys turning into girl gamers now?
Ever play Search and Destroy in Black Ops? Trash talking is thriving there
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