RiSkyBiZ-13's forum posts
Ok say if you have a girlfriend. But in the night time, you hook up with this other girl, and all you do is just smoke and drink with this girl, and teach her how to drive, but its not like ur touching her or anything. But you don't tell your girlfriend where u go. Do you consider that cheating?laidback_16
It's not cheating, but it's shady. You'd probably be pissed if your girl did this to you..
So if I have a 83.6% in Math and my finals are 10% of my grade what would I need to keep a B??Almighty-mints
How did you get an 83.6% in math if you can't figure that out yourself?
[QUOTE="luccaface"]hahahahaha this one is the bestone IMO. :lol:Pray For Juan
Yeah TC, I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I have a Red Sox tattoo on my arm, and thats pretty much the only thing I care enough about to get a tattoo. I want another one, but I just don't know what to get. I'm not gonna rush into one though, it'll eventually come to me.
Never seen that one before... :shock:
i majority of teens these have parties every week, which isnt the problem. the problem is all these kids are doing at these parties is getting drunk, high and having sex. even as a teen myself i find this pretty disgusting. i was talking with some friends and 2 of them were talking about parties they went to and told stories about them getting **** from girls while the other guy taped it:? and how theyll be having sex and stuff while other people are in the room:?. it really sickens me to see teens act. thoughts?Blitz_Nemesis
This really isn't anything new, it's been going on for decades. I personally never got into the drug scene, my dad was a higher up in law enforcement (specifically narcotics, so it wouldn't be the greatest of ideas). I have a lot of problems with our generation, but drugs, sex, and alcohol are on the back burner.
My biggest problems with our generation is the the inability to think deeper than cars, sex, and women. Don't get me wrong, there's no problem being into women, but there's more out there. I find it disturbing and unfortunate that the vast majority of teens know more about Brad Pitt's married life than current world events. They know infinately more about football statistics than philosphy. I think this comes from our lack of any great war, any great depression, or any struggle. Our generation is spoiled, and now we are faced with the reality of these people running our country all too soon- and quite frankly that terrifies the **** out of me. Now that I mention it, maybe it's not too early to apply for Canadian citizenship... hmm..
[QUOTE="cyprusxx"][QUOTE="hwan88"]lol at someone pointing to a story published by the iranian state-controlled media and posted on that paranoid kook alex jones' site as credible and accusing someone of buying into "fox news propaganda". hwan88
im gonna say it again you MUST do your resaerch.
yes keep saying that in lieu of an argument and eventually we will buy into it and put on tinfoil hats.lmao win
I have been wanting to get a tattoo for a while, but i dont really have any ideas. I was thinking maybe getting the name of a band or something but that seems kind of retarded. Either that or i think a barcode on my ass would be funny. Thoughts?
If you lack the creativity to have an idea, DO NOT GET A TATTOO!!! If you even remotely suggest getting a band tattoo in any serious tone whatsoever, you should be banned from all tat shops in the world. If you insist on getting a tat, make sure it's something that has MEANING, not something that's "cool." Get your family crest, something to do with your heritage, something meaningful. If you get a nautical star, chinese symbol, or tribal sleeve I will find you and slap you.
[QUOTE="cyprusxx"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="cyprusxx"]The US have been carrying out terrorist attacks throughout the world many many years. And American CIA terrorists are at it again thankfully they have been arrested, this time in Iran. they had planned to carry out a number of acts such as bombing scientific, educational, and religious centers, shooting people, and making public places in various cities insecure.
Are Gamers aware of these thing going on?
Are YOU aware that you just used infowars.com as a credible resource? Lmao! What a load of crap!
info wars is more credible than all the mainstream media put together. infowars doisent do this for money they actully care
this is hilarious and sad at the same timeLOL yes, it is. I can't believe people can be so gullible. It's amazing.
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