[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="james28893"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="Faylette"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"]Like I said, two people in conseuntual sex KNOW what sex can lead to. EVERYONE does. If people can't face the prospect of having a kid, they shouldn't be having sex. 'Nuff said.james28893
No thanks, my partner and I would rather not abstain from sex until I hit menopause. We enjoy ****ing way too much.
Well, if you're that much of an adult, then I hope your considering the consequences. If not, you're simply another statistic, another self-centered, spoiled little American kid that can't think further than their own nose.
:lol:. You're calling pretty much every adult on the planet "another self centred...kid, that can't think further than their nose". There are even animals that practise sex for recreation.
So there are Grizzley Bear abortion clinics? Didn't know about that...
Ignoring the point eh? You're calling those animals self-cented for having sex for fun, you're calling most people on the world self-centred for having sex for fun just because before the foreplay starts they have to look through their funds to see if they could afford the baby that might arise, their hearts to see if they would love the baby that might arise and the society around them to see if it would accept the baby that might arise.
I don't think I'm the one who is ignoring the point. There is NOTHING wrong with recreational sex, there is something wrong with abortion. Simply because you are pro-life doesn't mean that the child MUST be planned. It doesn't mean abstain until you're ready to have children. All it means is that if you get knocked up, deal with it. If you can't afford the kid, go to an adoption agency.
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