RichieRich555's forum posts
45 fps suck i know people who can run games at 333 fps if they uncap it.i know some real hardcore pc gamers spend way to much on a high-end video card, like the $700 8800 ultra, but how long do these cards actually last until with games at max until an upgrade is needed?
Anybody here who is experienced with buying the highest end of highest end, tell me how long ur uber-expensive video card lasted to play games to the max with 45+ Fps until there was a game that needed more juice that ur card couldent handle?
And when i mean max i mean physics and graphics, not particularly resolution, but i dont play above 1600x1200 so im not talking super res here.
There is 4 the topic creator is just retarded. Complaining about so many games when theres only 4 for the wii.So then, how many true Mario games are on the Wii right now?
Oh right, NONE.
no, and neither should poker or cheerleading or cup stacking or any of those other fake sports.jack_russelI agree with this guy. Things like basketball, football, hell even tennis are SPORTS video games take no physical ability to play so I will never consider it a sport.
PC gaming is too much of a hassle. Constant upgrading. Not to mention checking every game to see if your PC meets the requirements. I also think that most console games ported to the PC ends up being worse.
Console gaming > PC gaming.
PC gaming > Console gaming. Since pc's can do every that a console can do and more. The reason it cost more then a console is because it does over 100 times more stuff. TBH your getting your moneys worth with a computer.
They made over a bizallion Mario games can't they makesomething better. They made over 50 remakes of Mario WTF? SO if Wii wins I will have to stick with MArio forever? Gaming sucks now. Suliman-UchiaDo you own a wii? If not please stfu and stop complaing about stuff you dont have to deal with. If you do own one please list these 50 mario titles for the wii.
rofl neveruary thats as bad as PSTriple i wish i quoted that kid.lmao
Then (and only then) the PS3 will surpass the 360 and Wii in sales. JUST WAIT for the big guns to release. I'm talking about Warhawk, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Haze, Ninja Gaiden: Sigma, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, LittleBigPlanet, Tekken 6, White Knight Story, FFXIII, FFXIII VS, Gran Turismo 5, Getaway 3, Folklore, Eye of Judgement, Singstar....
Do you think sales will get better when the big guns (listed above) release?
[QUOTE="Duckman5"][QUOTE="PhoebusFlows"]Well theres the trailer so I suppose you got owned.This has been debunked. Look at the actual videos on Gametrailers, the PS3 makes Wii look like Gamecube graphics again. Your game pics don't even have an HUD! :roll:
PhoebusFlows version) version)
The Wii loks way worse. Gametrailers even gives you an HD to help it out and it looks like, well........a Wii game. Dont ever hope that a Wii game can approach a PS3 game. It only has 62 MB of RAM vs. 512 MB of RAM.
?? The ps3 only has 512 MB of ram? And the wii only has 62???? I have a hard time beilving that..
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