Hopefully he doesn't chew a pop tart into the shape of a gun..they might add more charges. And why the hell does a woman in Canada give a rat's ass about someone in Texas....eh?
@deathstream @Riddick123 Oh great and wise one, thank you for imparting your infinite wisdom upon me. You just aren't bright enough to realize I was saying I don't give a shit about a Kinect for a PC because I don't need one for my PC. Generally when an article is titled "Kinect for the XBox One not compatible with PC." That is probably is what it is about. Now go have Mama get you your pre-order and be sure to camp out for your new console.
Too late Blizzard. The bots and cheaters have already ruined the game. Thanks for implementing the AH and have class specific equipment with useless stats drop.
Riddick123's comments