Well if 38 Studios owes RI money...what about Solyndra who owes the Federal Government hundreds of millions? They went bankrupt too. RI gambled and lost.
@CanisLupus_ Should probably give up then because it will always be like this. It's fun to read people trolling each other. Sit back and relax...enjoy :)
LOL @ Gamestop. Where you can purchase a used game for 5 bucks less than a new one. My favorite part is their trade in policy. We'll give you 30 extra percent for your trade ins. A whole dollar or so on my 5 dollar trade in they sell for 50 bucks. Good job Nintendo. And no, I don't trade games in at Gamestop. I keep all mine.
@zwr63 MP ruined it for me too. I enjoyed Brotherhood and Revelations, but the MP aspect should be ignored imo and the man hours put into the quality of the single player.
Google the cartoon Bravestar. Cartoon character from the '80s. Indian sheriff on another planet with spiritual animal powers pretty much identical to Connor's. Kind of funny actually.
Riddick123's comments