@feathers632 @Riddick123 @Tarbun84 @dawnar Most PCs run over 60 FPS, unless they're running on Intel CPU graphics or the AMD version of it. But they aren't intended for gaming.
@Tarbun84 @dawnar @Riddick123 I am not a fan of overclocking myself. Human eye doesn't pick up more than 30 FPS anyway. So, while I prefer my PC, I enjoy my consoles as well. I laugh when my buddies tell me their PCs are running at 100 FPS.
@dawnar @Tarbun84 @Riddick123 RAM isn't determining factor on performance. The CPU and GPU are what make a PC out perform. Won't know until a PS4 hits the market. I have friends with 8 Gigs and 16 gigs of RAM that pretty much run the same with i7s and GTX 5xx and 6xx. Most of the 16 Gigs of RAM just sits there doing nothing.
I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure i7 processors and current gen GPUs are more powerful than the future consoles already. Will be interesting to see what the new console graphics look like and how well the games run.
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