@Shanks_D_Chop @Riddick123 Thanks for your enlightened input. I read the article. I stick with my original comment. You're entitled to yours. Appreciate the lecture however.
@darkvaper Juno sums a lot of that up in the temple with Desmond as he is installing the power sources. A lot of the cut scenes between Ezio and the first ones explain some of that too in Brotherhood and Revelations.
@chrisbingle Don't care either way. Found D3 boring, so I don't play. But you're on a soapbox telling others to get off their soapbox. A bit of a an oxymoron...no?
Ummmmm...........yeah...... Brotherhood was my favorite. Revelations was fun. 3 was pretty disappointing. Have to agree this is turning into CoD. Quit dumping mulitplayer in all these games and focus on the game and story. Not every single f*&king game HAS to have MP.
Riddick123's comments