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Rikoswind29 Blog

Dryer meltdown

Yeah my dryer just began giving off sparks, so my dad had to throw it out, but sadly we had to bring that time bomb back into the house..oh I hope it doesn't catch on fire again.

Well everyone have a dryer safe day, haha.

Also I've been thinking of going into My little pony Fan fiction, I'll make just one story to see if its worth any

Alor, tres Bien etre ici

Ah I'm back its so good to return so good to see my friends again, I'm so sorry for not being here, Internet is so hard to find. Oh I have been, so bored since my bro left for le university. He was my only source of entertainment, I found my self going mad so to mange my self i began drawing anime to keep the blood flowing.

Well now I'm the oldest son in the house, and to be honest I really hate it, having to put with my dad's non sense and my sister always wanting my phone. Well I'm a Senior now in High school, and its awesome. I wish I had more friends I just don't understand street life. I'm a suburb kid. But I wouldn't really miss them, non non.

Now its evaluating time for five of my favorite shows ive been watching.

Generator Rex,

They say, weapons make the man, and Rex has tons of them, hes funny and has a Relaxed demeanor, yet has that can do spirit that makes you want get up and try even harder next time. Ah Oh la la Rex has a very good season brewing up, now that Provedince isn't holding him back.

Adventure Time

If it was an anime it would gain a my regards as a top notch show but alas n'possible pas. It is turly meant for the boys at heart I just wish it didn't have a femmint look to it, it seems more marshmellowish. I would have turned a blind eye it the artwork but its irony is not meant for it's artwork. Ah, but its characters are able to make this wedding cake possible.

Thunder Cats

The winds of victory are blowing their way.

Thunder Cats is a show I could say is the reason I like Fridays, its so colorful but then again keeps its sense of action without a serious atomosphere like its kin Ben ten and Genrator rex, and not too carefree like Adventure time, a perrfect example of a bridge between the three.

Regular Show, Any thing but regular

With swearing from time to time and fantasy out look on common american pop culture and its master of irony. I Must say this is a grand show to watch when warming up for a intresting date with a girl or boy for the ladies. Bon apitite

Pour le Grande Finaly

Pokemon Blanc en Noir

This Masterpiece is almost if not better then the ground Breakling Orginal first season, I love how the charaters all blend together perfectly, ah I hate waiting a week to see a heart stopping eposide. I just love the light heart of the heroes and the darkness of the awesome Team Rocket, I now have fallen back in love with this tear dropping edition.

I hope Sonic will get a new series with its comic manner.

Well I must go to recapture old blog memories with my great friends

A Demain moi Amis en moi doux

A holy meeting goes amiss

Well yesterday my Grandfather took me,my brothers my sister and my dad to another church. Um it was big flashy and appealed to many people especially to the teenagers. The teenage group was supplied with music, flat screens and mikes for those in the room whom can sing. I admit the preacher was funny the deacon was great at rising the young adults faith in God. But I was not amused very much it seemed all of the religious things where not entertaining as I hoped, do I have a Roman's soul? could it be so? Well also it was loud, the bibles were damaged, and the other youths were really annoying well a good handful were the problem and most of the Preacher's jokes didn't understand

One of my greatest fanfics so far R&R

This Hamtaro Fanfic may be the best fanfic I made so far.

Hamtaro sleeps innocently in his cage, as his master readies herself for bed; for tomorrow was very important it was Report Card day, Laura was feeling down knowing her performance so far this quart was not so good but, it won't be so bad, Hamtaro would cheer her up and, her friends would help her walk it off. Laura walked over to Hamtaro's cage. Wishing him goodnight, before going lights out; the room was still darkness covered every corner except by the window seal, where the street light peeked though.
Hours passed, until the young Ham-Ham woke from his nap, for it was almost time for Bosses big secret. Hamtaro unloosened the gate, and then ran behind a stack of textbooks into the secret passage way; running though the pipe maze into the houses gutter cleaner to the front lawn. Hamtaro walked through the dew covered lawn, its light glitter in a beautiful display; Hamtaro's mind wasn't going to wonder off this time, he knew where he had to be the tree house where everyone was waiting impatiently.
Hamtaro saw strange lights glimmering in the distant, rushing to the tree house; he finds the lights off with everyone around him was holding a lit match stick. Hamtaro looked around confused upon what he sees. Everyone glares at him like we was no apart of the club. Suddenly boss runs up to him towing an unlit match stick.
"Hamtaro, quickly light this one so we can get started, ok?"
"Started with what?"
Boss becomes frustrated, asking Oxnard to lit Hamtaro's match for him. Oxnard came slowly as usual, but, in a flash the French Ham-Ham of matchless beauty; rudely cuts in front of Oxnard causing him to fumble his match stick, barely stopping it from setting the tree house a blaze. The other hamsters pay no mind to him, focusing on Baoji and Hamtaro.
"Here Hamtaro, uze mine"
"Heh, that's very nice of you, thanks Baoji"
Unifying their matches, Hamtaro holds his match proudly, while Baoji bathes in his aura. Oxnard's flame was extinguished leaving nothing but two things: a seemingly useless match stick and the bitter smell of the flames death; he felt disappointed but, quickly changed his mood, with hope of another match he could use. Approaching the match box, Oxnard slowly reached for another match, suddenly he was replied by a furious tackle from Boss.
"Oxnard, sorry for the surprise attack, but everyone only gets one, because we are in short supply; the best I can say right now is to share with your friends."
Oxnard looks around at everyone seeing them holding their own little social discussions. Developing second thoughts, Oxnard gives in to his fear; looking down into the ground, Oxnard tells Boss that he would not be attending the celebration this year; Boss on the other hand doesn't want Oxnard to miss it.
"Oxnard you can't be serious here take my match and join in the fun"
"Sorry Boss I cannot accept that, besides what happens if you miss out on the celebration, you're the one hosting the party, so wouldn't make you a bad host"
Boss thinks about it for a minute," No I can't let a fellow ham-ham go without a match that would make me a bad host and leader." Boss makes a quick announcement "OK, does anyone have a match to share with Oxnard?"
The crowd stood silent, Oxnard looked around, and suddenly the spotlight turned on him, he was in the shadows of darkness, with no light he had no place to be and, those whom have no place among the light, wait within the darkness. Oxnard felt he had no right to be near them, with a small grin, Oxnard sat in a chair eating his sunflower seed. The pain of watching them, laugh and play was making his heart breakdown. Going from grin to frown, Oxnard sees a hamster carrying a match that was burned out.
"Hey, Oxnard, need a paw?" Oxnard looked up into the light to see a Hamster with tiger stripes, offering his paw on a kindhearted gesture. Oxnard grabs his paw, as he sees the hamster struggling to pick him up. Oxnard assisted the hamster by standing to his feet; looking at the Hamster who seemed to help him in his depressing state.
"Um, thanks Stan, what are you doing here in the darkness? You should be in the light with the others"
"Nah, it seemed too cheesy for my taste, I prefer the darkness it's awesome, like me" Stan says with a chuckle
Oxnard, laughs a bit, before falling back into a slump. Stan takes note of his emotional state, thinking of something they could both in joy, after a few seconds his brain came up with a situation. "Hey Oxnard you want to know what I think about the girls?" Oxnard nods timidly. Stan smiles then start talking again. "Well, ever since, Flora moved to the States, and goes married to a ham-ham name Duster, I don't know who that hamster is, but I already hate that Duster bastard but, anyway I moved on, from Flora, I Think Crystal is more in my ally. She is so beauty and passionate and, the way she wiggles her hips when she walks, and the way she gives you those eyes when she's pissed off.
Ah it seems like it was yesterday, she smacked me for asking "How many Hamsters rode your roller coaster today" Now at first she didn't get it but when I whisper it to her, she turned apple red and, smacked me across the jaw. Yeah but back to what I was saying, I'd like to take her on a date tomorrow, but she would probably turn me down, after what happen the day before. (Sigh) Well that's my story." Oxnard pats Stan on the back, and then gives him a hint of advice "Girls do not like being seen as sexual playthings they want to be respected, protected, loved and have fun, with you."
Stan replied with laughter, his excitement even drew attention from the other ham-hams; Boss gave Stan the same stare as Hamtaro when he came in a few minutes ago. Stan tired to keep himself from laughing but, it was so hard to keep down; after finishing his last chuckle. Stan and Oxnard head outside for some fresh air. Oxnard gazed out into the starless night sky, feeling the wet dew on the cheek high grass; seeing the cars pass by with their car lights piercing the nice cool atmosphere.
Stan danced around a stone, shaking his Maracas at a bizarre pace, making a strange catchy rhyme, which Oxnard even danced too. Stan laughed at bit, before speeding up the pace, making Oxnard speed up trying to keep in sync with the music. While dancing to the groove Stan asks Oxnard who does he have a crush on? Oxnard kept his pace "I think I may like Sparkle or Ruby" Stan stopped the music causing Oxnard to stumble over. After helping Oxnard up, Stan's fun tone damper to a somewhat serious one.
"Wait you like Ruby and Sparkle, ok we need to work on your filtering skills." Oxnard looks at Stan feeling a bit lost "Flirting skills?" sounding a bit alarmed. Stan sees his twin sister waiting by the tree house doorway. "Stan, make sure you make it back to your Master's house before sunrise" Sandy reminds her brother before heading off into the night, back to her master's house. Stan watched as her sister faded from view, then faced Oxnard.
"Well, sis is right I got to get going. I will tell you about Sparkle and Ruby later, See ya" Stan, ran back inside to grab his skate board, then rides off with his Maracas in his backpack.
Oxnard walked back to his Master's house with a new goal on his mind to see who he loves and who he does not.

End of Chapter One

I may just foresake my Pokemon Journey

I got White verison almost a week ago, and my big brother has dominated me in almost every one of our encounters.

maybe its just a bad luck streak or something, I'll try to challenge him again tonight.

well, Salut Moi Amis

I'm back & plans for profile upgrade

Bonjour le monde, I'm so glad to be back in your presents and I've grown tired of the limelight of my profile, its soo "dim" and boring,

In other news, Does anyone know of a good Tail X Amy fan Fiction, I've grown even more enticed of this paring.

Here are my favorite pairing from most loved, to vomit

1. Tails x Mina

2. Tails X Amy

3. Tails and Cream

4. Sonic X Amy

5. Sonic X Sally

6. Sonic X Mina

7. Knuckles X Amy

8. Knuckles X Rouge

Now this is my favorite strange paring, please be adult about this.

1. Tails X Sonic

2. Tails X Sliver

3, Tails X Knuckles or Shadow

And for le grand finally

I do not like

Sonic X Shadow

it drives me mad, soooo mad

This is a pair I very thought much about

Sally X Amy.

idk if I should attempted this.

Good night


Heading into the Tropics

If things come out as I expect I may be heading Brazil for three weeks in the summer. I hope I have fun and pick up a new language and see many relics while I stay with a host family and maybe flirt with the locals lol just kidding I have my hands tied with the love roses.

The Day of Love and hope is upon us

Happy Saint Valentine Day

I hope everyone enjoys their time with their amour.

As for me I will be waiting for my engel to arrive I can't wait to hear from her.

Tell me how is your Valentines day going

I miss the Bus

My perfect Attendance tarnished, well I guess I'll just wait for this MMO game to finish downloading so I can play it. In other news hows everyone doing?

Are Card collecter's dead?

I along with a few other kids at my school are the only ones I know who collect Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh cards, back in the quiet neighborhood of Fort Bragg Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh collecting was all the rage. Now ever since I moved down to Rocky Mount otherwise known as the projects by some people, they laugh when I said I collect cards, they say sports and Music are the rage mostly rap which I don't like I think of it as too nosiy and foul for my taste, I perfer Pop (J-pop and french pop) rock, soft rock and some techno, but I love the sweet sound of a harp, grand piano and Ocarina. Anime is kinda 50 50 over here, some people like others don't. But I hate the fact that I am among the few who enjoys collecting and battling cards

Oh does anyone still collect Digmon cards, I haven't seen those in like 4 years