I just found this in my garage after looking for a while. I got all the plugs together and when i tried to turn it on the light goes green, than turns back to red. Whats wrong and how can i fix it? It's a slim by the way
Riku09990's forum posts
I have visualboyadvance and wanted to know if it was possible to transfer a pokemon, onto my DS games, so its kinda like a traded it?
Well my brothers are trying to do GTA san andreas and the Sims 3
Put a game on a flash drive, than use that flashdrive to play a game on a mac laptop?
For example, lets say i put doom3 on a flashdrive. if i plug the flashdrive into the laptop, can i run the game from the flashdrive without installing the game onto the mac?
GE managed to squeeze 500 gb down on a DVD with holographic tech
i think this is it
my friend told me microsoft was mkaing a new disc able to hold a lot of data, it was like twice as much as a blue ray, can anyone confirm this?
just bought a 1600 point card and im gonna use half for operation anchorage. can someone name some good dlc or xbla games for 800 points?
note:i dont have gold membership, just silver
my 360 wont read the disc, when i put it in the tray and close it it will read then say there is nothing in it. i do haeve the NXE (the avatar thingy) if tht matters. i have had my 360 for like uhhhh 3 years prolly
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