Riku09990's forum posts
I got a $40 gift card to bestbuy plus another 30. and an 18 yr old brother which means most games...well all games. i already have gears 2 and fallout 3. what should i get?? i also got a PSP and a computer...obviously
okay it fits, now what?Do you have a digital camera in your house? there's a chance that the USB cord that came with it will work on your PSP, mine does.
How did you get a video on it without USB? ...Wifi?
But yeah, the only way you're going to be able to get it off is with a USB cord.
o i was using the PSPs internet and i clicked on a video and it started to download
im just wondering bcuz my 360 just came back last thursday and it has the rrod. i play like 30 min to a hour tops. im reaaaaaallllly starting to get pissed. instead of making it temporary, they should actually fix it? it will save them a lot of money
stupid bill gates and jerry seinfield
btw this is the 3rd time its broken
Prison Break is a TV show for those who dont know. and i was just thinking they should make it a videogame. it could be setup kinda like Asssassins Creed. You play as one of the 3 main charcters (micheal linkin and sarah) each with thier own strenths and weakness'. You go around doing spy missons and once you gather enough info you finish the misson by breaking into (or out of) a certain place
They could also do something more of a GTA style game where you talk go places and do missons. I think if they set it up right it could be reallllllly good.
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