Hey all my buddies! Sorry I don't get on at all anymore. Senior year is really busy. I had an internship over the summer and it took up all my time! Now I'm finally done and am getting ready for school with my PotC school supplies! I've been keeping up on some really cool anime and catching up on my video games (finally out of the Water Temple in Z:OoT!) and reading some good books! Again, sorry to my faithful MMAA union followers, but I don't think I can keep it up this year. If anyone wants to take over for me, I'd be glad to appoint you leader, though I don't know if, after a summer of my inactivity, you can revive it. I hope to be ona litte more regularly, but I mak no promises! Thanks for still being my buddies!
RikusGirl Blog
Freezing in Phoenix...
by RikusGirl on Comments
by RikusGirl on Comments
Eeep! I love Loveless. Irony? It's amazing! The concept is so original and the art is fantastic! Soubi is quite appealing, I must say. It's just so amazing! The manga and the anime! I can't decide which is better. They're actually both quite different in the way they explain the plot. Well, that's all I've got to say for now! Sorry I'm not on much. Once finals are over IĀ should be able to get back on the union!
Roxas is back!
by RikusGirl on Comments
EEEPPP! So that relatively new KH3 video rocks! Like the extended version of Deep Dive. Lots of action and...dun dun dun...Roxas! I've had little success in convincing a soul that it's really him, but maybe this will convince y'all. I found this picture that someone took from the video. And if you don't think it's Roxas...you're crazy! And my theory is that the silver haired guy is Riku's nobody (don't ask how...) and that that one guy at the end looked like his hair was red. And who do we know with red hair? Maybe he's Axel's...somebody.
Yay! It worked!
by RikusGirl on Comments
OK, so my banner finally worked! It's not really any greeat work or art, but it fits and Yuri has no shirt on! What could be better? Thanks to Fireemblems for making me that awesome one and please forgive me for being stubborn and wanting to make my own! If you want to see anymore of his work, check out my union, Marvelous Manga & Awesome Anime, and you can see it! It moves! How cool is that! Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this gorgeous hunk of man meat!
EEEP!...I cried forever!
by RikusGirl on Comments
KH Final Mix!
by RikusGirl on Comments
Hey, when I went to EB the other day to buy Ar Tonelico I was talking to the manager. He told me that, not only is Sony selling the rights to Final Fantasy, but also Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts. He said that Microsoft wants to make Kingdom Hearts Final Mix in English when they get the rights to it! That would totally rock! Sony doesn't seem to be doing too well. I don't know how much of this is true, but it's pretty exciting anyway!
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